Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The many faces of my 3 year old.


Anonymous said...

Send him on down here!! He is too precious.

Unknown said...

oh my goodness -
good thing you are not a stage mom or anything because that kid could seriously be in commercials!!

Anonymous said...

Ok we have been trying to do the mean face over here and can't seem to get our upper lips to go up.

Stay tuned...

Sheena @ Mommy Daddy Blog said...

Ok here we go, lol, I'm about to blog about it on sophistishe.

Anonymous said...

His 2nd mean face looks like he's riding a motorcycle! B-b-b-b-bad! Bad to the bone!

Looking at this video makes me want Jayden to hurry up and get here even more!

Write From Karen said...

I watched this in my reader and I just had to come over and comment - the fists, I LOVE the fists. It really adds to his mean face. LOL

And the shy face! OMG! I just want to hug that child. I think I laughed even more at your chuckle, too. *grin*

Thanks for the smiles, Tanyetta.

Write From Karen

KJ Family said...

Love it! He is just too cute.

The Lavender Loft ... said...

OMG what cutie look out girl the little girls will be after him LOL.

Believer said...

The shy brother is going to real the girls in. Watch out!


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