Tuesday, March 18, 2008

My day with 8 toddlers.

Today was my turn to volunteer in my son's Tiny Tot's class. You can stop laughing at me right now. I see you snickering over there Kelli.[:D]

*clearing my throat and stepping up to the mic*

I am giving PROPS to every TEACHER on this planet. I spent 2 hours in a room with 8 toddlers (4 kids were absent. THANK THE LAWD) The teacher is AWESOME. The class really listen to her and they know what to do once the music begins to play. They hustle to clean up and help each other carry the bins to the back of the room.

Then it's time to find their number on the floor and class begins. I sat there with a HUGE grin on my face. My son (you know the one that NEVER sits still) was sitting still, facing forward and all eyes were on the teacher.

As the room assistant, you're in charge of helping out in the yard for recess and anything else the teacher asks for you to help with.

Here's where I wasn't READY---When the door opens, why didn't someone warn me that toddlers RUN in all different directions and you're in charge of keeping them in ONE certain area and to keep a head count at all times.

The kids are supposed to run and find a spot at the picnic table to eat their snack. Yeah right. Eat when you can run and roll down hills, ride the scooters and slide up and down the yard toys? Where did they find this energy at 11 in the morning? For real?

Did I mention there's NO gate to keep them corralled? yes I said corralled like cattle.

No seriously. I am going to buy his Teacher a present at the end of the school year. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How does she do this? I know, she probably pops pills. She has to. I know the next time she asks me to help out. I will double my dosage.

She is the most organized and on top of it teacher ever. This is her true calling and I give all props to her. I checked her hair. No grey in sight. I'm quite impressed. I love her and will enroll him in every session until he's ready for Kindy. I'm sold.

Like my little cousin back home says: That's real talk. Whew! I'm done.

*stepping away from the mic*

Shaking the bottle of pills tossing them up to my mouth and guzzling down a bottle of Aquafina. I need a nap.


Atasha said...

HA! Yeah I laughed. Could you have made up some excuse to get out of it? I know I am bad. I am going to sit in the corner now.

Believer said...

You did it!

Mamapumpkin said...

I spent 2 weeks at class when Tee first started school & already then, I put preschool teachers on a pedestal. There were kids overturning rubbish bins in class, spilling paint all over the floor, doing acrobatic stunts between table and chair, hitting other children, screaming......and the teachers never lost it once.

Me? Altho I was purely an observer and didn't have to partake in any of the clearing or cleaning up, nor being responsible for the kids, I was stressed as hell!!

Afrodite said...

Lmao @ the teacher popping pills. Would it surprise you? Lol...

Aly Cat 121 said...

That's funny. Most folks say that about teachers when they have to step inside a classroom all day.

Shelly- Mom Files said...

Girl, I did assistant teaching for one school year and I did not think I would make it. This was k-5 so I can only imagine how much harder it is with toddlers. I am having a contraction as I type, for real! At least you got to see what it is like and yes the teacher does deserve a gift at the end of it all! Perhaps a bottle of Tequila??

CreoleInDC said...

Wow. You're BRAVE! My nephew wanted to take me to Show and Tell. I gave him $100 and told him to use that instead.

Shelliza said...

Thanks for the heads up. Now I know to never volunteer when Connor goes to Pre K!

Anonymous said...

ROFL. I'm sorry, but that was hilarious. Go get some rest hon, you so earned it.

Anonymous said...

There is no way I could handle 8 toddlers. I can barely keep hold of my sanity with one 8-year-old boy. So in addition to kudos to that teacher, I think you deserve props for voluntarily putting yourself through that!


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