Thursday, April 3, 2008

All alone in a group of people.

I've come to realize I need to broaden my group of friends. I am mostly hanging out with my 3 year old sidekick and we get along pretty well. We know our quirks, we know when it's time to fold and we know when it's time to party! But, let's be honest, we really need to broaden our circle and insert some friends.

We recently ventured out to hang out with a group of moms and their kids.
I know what you're thinking. Why are you trying to hang out with people at a theme park? Well, I'm a member and thought it would be a great idea to meet up with some of them.

Don't get me wrong. They're really nice people.

I'm "guilty" of not hanging with a 'group'--I feel weird strolling through a public event with a bunch of people. I walk FAST! I have a short attention SPAN! I need to get where I'm going to see what I'm there to see! I think I'm paranoid over an event that I went to. It was a new group for me. I was really excited to meet everyone.

We met up at the city hall clock on main street and next thing I knew we were strolling through the park, got on a few rides, everything was great!--I was excited! my son was excited! We went to lunch and before I could blink, the entire group of ladies (6 of them) announced it was nap time and they had to leave! Ummmmm! HUH??? you mean to tell me, you came all the way to the happiest place on earth to get on TWO rides and leave????? I felt jilted. Insert sad face right here.

Ever since then, I've never ever ever relied on 'hanging' with a group ever again. I will do it but, it has to be on certain terms.

I will MEET up for lunch and a ride or two--but, as far as 'hanging' out the entire time??????

Ummmm-NO! but, then again, that's just my opinion and how I do things. Geez, I wonder why I don't have many friends! Hah.

Next time I go to a theme park, I'll call Atasha, she never stresses out about nap times and she cracks me up all the time when she tells me funny stories about the word nonsense. Oh and the best part, her kids are super cute and she brings yummy snacks!


Unknown said...

Once again - this is why we should hang out because I am TERRIBLE in groups. I managed to single handedly break up my mom's group when Jackson was a baby and ever since then I'm pretty bad at them.

I'm like you - I do really well hanging out with just my boys on outings - occasionally my mom comes with us but she goes iwth the flow so it works.

I can do my weekly mom's Bible study because it is structured and has a beginning and an end.

Other than that, I'm a loner!

Kwana said...

Hanging in groups is always hard. Picking friends is tough too. Take it slow and carefully. I'm in my new town 2 years and had 1 great friend when I came here who inro'd me around. Now I've made a few really good ones and we have a great small weekly knitting group which is really very hip. Small groups and lunch is much better. Have fun!

Atasha said...

Girl I hear ya! I am glad no one joined me on our trip yesterday to the same place of 1 million dreams (is that what they call it?) There was no rush. We walked about. We were there from about 2 pm until poor Alyssa just couldn't walk anymore around 9:15pm. It's too bad because we missed the fireworks. They insisted they wanted to walk! Fine by me.

Can you believe it's 10:18am and she is still sleeping! Poor thing.

Tania said...

You, me and Atasha would get along great. I am so not into the group thing either. Wish I lived closer.

Unknown said...

You need to find people who think the way you do!

Anonymous said...

Sheena says she'll be your mom friend!

Leigh said...

I don't hang out in groups either. I find that most groups are already an established circle of friends, it's hard to "break in" and is an uphill battle.

I kind of prefer one or two people at a time, much more fun, and you can talk a bit more.

Mamapumpkin said...

Yes, Atasha's cool! Me too, I hate crowds....

Believer said...

What!?! Did anyone fill you in?

I prefer a small group.

Still, most outings are done with me and my daughter alone also. I like it that way. I have my own agenda!


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