Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Always have a happy Period. WHAT?

SOOOOO!!!!! What would YOU say if your 8 year old son asks what Always Pads are?  What would YOU say?  Why did I just bust out laughing at first like, HUH?  Where did that question come from?  He saw them at Walmart today.  Pointed and asked what they were.  I told him I would tell him tonight (hoping he would forget) and wouldn't you know, the boy asked me during story time before bed. GAH!!! BEFORE, I tell you what I told him, please!  tell me what YOU would tell your 8 year old son OR daughter?  *sigh* I need a hug.  LOL!


Unknown said...

(Laughing)As a still single guy, Tanyetta, I've never thought about it. Dating today is complex enough. But I'm sure I'll have to consider an answer later on! :)

Shelly- Mom Files said...

If it was one of the girls, I would tell the truth in a way that a kid would *understand*. For a boy, I would tell him it is something just for girls/ladies and he doesn't need to be concerned about it.

Unknown said...

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