Guest Blogger: Laura Vargas!
Rule of Thumb: DONT HALF ASS anything in life. Give it your ALL or NOTHING at all.
I asked my daughter to sweep and she told me that she already did but she just didn't do a good job. I asked if she was proud of the finished product and she said no but she did just enough to get paid.I informed her that she would NOT get paid for her poor attempt and of course she said I was 'starting with her'.Perhaps being a stay at home mom lately has misconstrued their reality of me but to me it's quite black and white... it's clean or it's dirty.I don't give credit for half sweeping the floor. To be quite honest I'm not too fond of the whole allowance thing period.
Am I the only one who sees that work ethic and commitment is lacking these days?I feel like even with myself, I have become expectant of half commitments and partial dedication that it seems the norm. Just enough to get paid.I don't expect things to get done in a timely manner, I don't expect for it to be correct the first few times, and I became accustom to people in offices saying they' don't know' then I look up the reg. for them or find the answer and let THEM know.
I remember my aunt or dad...maybe a teacher told me to take pride in my work and if I am completing the simplest of task, to complete it to the best of my ability. "Don't half ass it", they said. (hmmmm, maybe it was my dad who said this)For example if my task/duty is to clean the dishes- I'm going to aim to be the best damn dish washer EVER.Someone will notice then move you on to take on more responsibility and maybe even give you more money.
My family tells me that my expectations are too high but I don't think they are too high. I expect from people what I KNOW they are capable of.I feel shame if I know I didn't do something to the best of my ability or didn't put forth the effort. It's scary to think that we are living in a mediocre world or a place where aiming high is frowned upon.
We have to do better people... If it's too late for us- at least for our children-these kids are our future. There are some things they can't learn from books.
*I'm sure most of you won't bother reading these four paragraphs before commenting because of half ass-ing tendencies and somewhere along the way someone said it was okay to read half of something and you can comment.-----------------Laura Vargas lives in Jolly ol' England where she perfects her scone recipe and has tea with the royals everyday... Then she wakes up! While the above is not entirely true, Lady Laura has called England home for the past two years. She resides in East Anglia with her two children and her husband; a "Lord", (He purchased his Lordship on the internet) in the United States Air Force. She actually spends her days as a stay at home mum, community events organizer, and travel planner/speaker. Laura Vargas recently completed her Master's degree in Human Resources Development. Her plan is to combine her passion for travel with her M.S. degree and get into Expatriate Management.
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