Monday, October 5, 2015

Oh Yuk! Jetted Bathtub Cleaner

My review: 

Oh Yuk! Cleaning solution for jetted tubs:

A+++ all the way.

I seriously recommend this product.

Note:  you will only get two thorough cleanings from the 16 oz. bottle.  Each cleaning requires 8 oz. of solution to a full tub.

OR you can use 7 oz. twice AND 2 oz. ONCE for the final maintenance type of cleaning.

Overall, two thumbs up and worth the money!

Materials needed:

1. Exhaust fan or any type of air ventilation 

2. Timer

3.  Waterproof gloves

4. Old Toothbrush  & Q-tips ( to clean out the jetted tubing area) 

5. Paper towels or microfiber cloth (to wipe out excess leftover grime)

6.  Water bottle filled with plain water (used to spray out the tub and wipe out clean once you've completed the cleaning  process) 

Beginning to ending timeframe :
15-30 minutes  or maximum --One hour.
Depending on distractions 😎 

Key point: Follow the directions on the bottle and you'll be just fine!

Good luck and have fun!

My advice: don't get a jetted tub.  😎 

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