Saturday, January 21, 2006

The ability to make friends just by showing up!

I am always impressed at the talent my son has in making NEW friends. I know you're thinking, he's 15 months for goodness sakes, how many friends does this kid have? Well, I decided to sit down and count his friends, then I immediately STOPPED and threw the paper away because as you can see the total changes DAILY! This kid can make a friend just by SHOWING up! Case in point:

I'm enjoying a nice swing with my son and along comes: "Cute girl" I'll call her "Cute Girl" because I neglected to get her name. Bad Mommy, I know! Well...this is how it all went down:
Me: Weeeeeee isn't this fun DJ?
DJ: Ummm, sure we do this atleast twice or three times a week but, sure! Yeahhh....... it's fun mommy!
Me: Weeeeeeee let's go higher!
DJ: Ummmm, let's not, I just had lunch!
Me: Oops! Sorry you're right. I'll slow it down a bit!

---Notice this is where I notice "cute girl" approaching!---

Cute Girl: Hi baby, what's your name?

DJ: Geldkkjdkjad;fkdd;;dkfjakfa; Baaa Baaaaa Laaa Laaaa

Cute Girl: What's your baby's name?
Me: Darrin
Cute Girl: She's cute (notice she called my HE a SHE) well, I let it slide because umm well, she's the "cute girl" remember!
Me: Thanks!
Cute Girl: Can I swing her?

Me: Sure, let me get my camera
DJ: Geez! this woman and that camera
Cute Girl: Weeeeee......Isn't this fun?
DJ: Giggle Giggle Snort Snort

Cute Girl: Can I take him out now?
Me: Ummm, sure why not!
Cute Girl: Come on Darrin let's go water the flowers
DJ: In an obvious trance, follows cute girl around the park as if I wasn't there

With that said, I got jealous and said, let's go DJ and this is what happened!

Sooo......1/2 hour later, I'm still snapping photos and making sure Cute Girl doesn't run off with my Cute Kid!

1 comment:

Lua said...

That was an adorable instance. Your child is charismatic!


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