Sunday, January 22, 2006


Help! I have a picky eater! Now before you get your shorts up in bunches, I'm not calling my son NAMES, I just couldn't figure out any other politically correct word to describe the fact that my son HATES my cooking!

Am I the only one out there with a picky eater?

There are some days he's like this:

Then there are some days he's like this:

Ok, you can stop LAUGHING now! I need your help. Please email me some meal suggestions. What do you feed your toddler? What's his/her favorite food?


WILLIAM said...

That second picture is priceless. What a cutie.

We feed my kid what we eat. If he doesn't eat it, he does not eat.

ieatcrayonz said...

If you get a list of foods, PLEASE share it.

Lauren likes chicken, meatballs, turkey stew, and fishsticks. I learned this weekend that Gerber ravioli and pineapple are no-go's.

But I'd be lying if I said that goldfish crackers weren't her main staple.

Anonymous said...

Love that second picture! Cody pretty much eats anything as long as it doesn't have sauce, so I can't help you there.

Stephanie said...

Can't. Stop. Laughing.

Zoe eats a lot of fruit. She also likes bread, pretzel sticks, macaroni & cheese (about half the time) and sweets like mini candy bars (Hershey miniatures, Kisses, etc.). Also she drinks a lot of milk.

She likes food she can grab and take along, like a banana. Then she can do stuff w/o having to sit at the table.

city dweller said...

I don't think it's your cooking...didn't you know toddlers are pre-programed not to like any green veggies?

Sarah said...

Eli hates food, I swear. Veggie? Whats that? He wont eat a veggie unless its pureed stuff form his sisters baby food jar, gah!
In a day he usually eats nuggets, more nuggets, apples, applesause, raisins and milk. yeah. I hope he grows out of being picky.


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