Wednesday, January 25, 2006

I'm growing up!

My son and I went to feed the ducks the other day and I tell you, this kids LOVES to feed the ducks. At one point I noticed he also ate the STALE bread himself. This is when it hit me: I'm GROWING up. There was a time when I would have DIED if my son ate a cheerio off the floor, now people, I'm proud to announce, I didn't die! I didn't have a fit when I noticed the once large piece of bread became smaller and smaller.

Now before you lose your mind, I didn't allow him to eat the entire piece of STALE bread, I just noticed that the once large piece of bread began to disappear and the ducks were quacking as if to say: "Hey kid, drop the bread or move out the way for the people who are here to actually feed us and not themselves!!!!"

Well, there you have it, I'm growing up people, I'm letting certain things that my son does like: When he eat cheerios off the floor, leaving backwash when he drinks out of my cup, kissing the TV screen a million times and leaving a million fingerprints in the process, and most of all when STRANGERS come up to my kid to TOUCH him, I don't CRINGE as much anymore but, I'm still SHOCKED that people have the nerve to do it.


Stephanie said...

My daughter eats dog food. Sometimes off the floor, sometimes out of the dog's bowl. Then she'll do it when I'm on the phone with my mother ("What's she doing?" "Eating dog food." "Oh my GOD!") and I enjoy sharing that just to shock her.

city dweller said...

okay now... Stale bread is one thing, but backwash?? Oh no!! I can't do that! But like you, I thought I would die if my kids ever ate something off the floor, now I just say: did you blow it off? (in my house)ha ha.

Lua said...

I don't have children (yet) but that is one thing I think that would freak me out all the time. I don't think I would like strangers to touch my child. I guess I am just too paranoid. My mom was paranoid with my brother (her first) and was constantly sterilizing and so on but by the time she had me I was left on the floor, I ate dog food and it was no big deal.


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