Tuesday, January 24, 2006

what are your thoughts?

Ok!!!!!!!!! Please!!!!!! Be honest. What was your FIRST thought when you saw this picture?
Did you think: What the heck is DJ doing playing with dolls? Be honest, did you really think that? I have a question: Do you think it's OK for boys to play with dolls?

Today's playdate was super duper fun. Well...that's what my son would say if he could eh, um...talk! As always I take tons of photos to capture the moments. Today's photos brought up a few thoughts. I figured I would venture out and ask your opinion on this subject. As you can see from the attached photo, my SON is playing with a baby stroller. Question: Do you see anything wrong with BOYS playing with dolls?

My teenage daughter (which by the way knows it all and I know nothing) says she doesn't see anything wrong with BOYS playing with dolls. She says, "it's society that SCREAMS out DON'T let them play with dolls, don't let them wear pink (umm that was me!) don't pick them up for every little cry, they'll become well...you know where I'm going with this.

Sooo....... back to my question. Do you think it's OK for boys to play with baby dolls and strollers. Just wondering!


ieatcrayonz said...

Ha! Absolutely, it's okay. Even superheros were babies at one time.

Anonymous said...

I see nothing wrong with boys playing with dolls. Remember GI Joe with the Kung Fu grip? Plus, I think when they're that age, to them, a doll is just another toy. As they grow older, they just lose interest. I know my husband feels differently than I, which is why Cody will never get that Dora doll he keeps asking for.

Stephanie said...

My first thought was: The doll on the left is huge!

CJ said...

My first thought was one of those kids needs an ethnic doll for equal represenation of both ethnicities.

Little boys who play with dolls grow up to be good daddies.

city dweller said...

I like what crazy hip blog mama said!!! Here! here!

Anonymous said...

The only thing wrong with boyz playing with dolls are the immature people who pass judgement on them!

Andie D. said...

My son is almost 4, and has begun the process of giving into peer pressure by deciding that certain toys are for girls, and others for boys.

We've had several talks lately where I've confirmed his thought that "toys are toys, right?" and it doesn't matter what kind of toy you want to play with at any given time.

Believe it or not, I've actually had the same conversation with a couple of boys at my son's preschool. Two boys in particular seem to have the notion that girls can't enjoy Spiderman. When I told them that I happen to love that particular action hero, they were stunned. I also called one of the boys on the fact that just three MONTHS ago, he was into Dora!

Who ever would have thought that stereotypes would begin at such a young age?

Mary said...

I don't see anything wrong with it. My son is almost 12 so NOW, he's like ICK- dolls. Ptoeey. But I can always remind him of playing with a friend's daughters baby dolls back in the day! I got the pictures, too. Wink.

Sarah said...

I think its cute! My son plays with his sisters baby doll and loves to push around the umbrella stroller. I think next Christmas I'll buy him his own doll :)

Atasha said...

OKay I know I am super late on this but at this age it is okay. My son at 2 loves Pink and is always stealing his sister's pink stuffed toys. When we went to MyKidsClubhouse, he grabbed the doll with pink stroller from one of the girls and said "No, Mine" and ran off with it, so there you have it. I'll start worrying if this is still happening in 6 or 7 years. Hahaha:-)

Keelah said...

i know this is VERRRY old, but I am going thru your site (instead of working-yes) And my first thought was Damn! Your sons baby is HUGE!!!!


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