Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Father and Son

There's a special bond between a father and son!

I'm really started to notice my son's personality coming out big time lately.
He cracks me up!

He's recognizing animals and the sounds they make. It's the cutest thing.


city dweller said...

Great pix! what handsome boys you have there!!:)

Granny said...

They sure are.

Anonymous said...

Everyone in your family is soooo cute. Adorable.

Stephanie said...

You're a lucky gal to be surrounded by such gorgeous men ;)

Andie D. said...

There is something so cool about seeing your husband's traits show up in your son as he grows!

Good stuff!

Anonymous said...

I love your new blog! I was wondering wher you went, and then it finally clicked ;-)

Hali said...

I love the pictures. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Very good pictures, two handsome fellows!


are you kidding with that face? What a doll!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhh! You got a heartbreaker on your hands, woman. Yessiiiir! Ditto on the well-dressed man-boys. The pics of your son in his little vest I highly appreciate. Archer has a few vesties himself. :)

Anonymous said...

OMG! They are gorgeous! You have a beautiful family!!

Mama Grouch said...

cute cute cute!!

Jen14221 said...

Nice snappys!

Anonymous said...

Damn girl, your husband is yummy!
Nothing like a dad and his boy!

Mieke said...

Ok,how do you get him to sit to braid? It takes a lot of dancing and distracting to get Pony to let me brush out his curls.


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