Saturday, February 25, 2006

Never say Never

You know the saying, "Never say Never"

I was asked a few weeks ago, if DJ was in the climbing stage? I said proudly, NO way! He's pretty good about not climbing on things that he's not supposed to climb on. Well, she goes on to tell me how her child climbs on everything! The sofa, the counters, the tables, in the tub, and on and on.

I'm thinking to myself, I'm so glad my son (you know the sweet innocent son of mine) he doesn't climb on things.

Well, as you can see from the following photo, I spoke too soon and you know how the saying goes: "NEVER SAY NEVER!"

Now if only I could figure out exactly what he's saying on the phone. Ahhhhh, yes, the joys of being a kid!

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Granny said...

Now the fun starts.

CJ said...

He's so cute!! He looks like a little man! Welcome to my world! The Middle One climbs on EVERYTHING!!! She thinks she's a monkey!

Hali said...

Too cute. Not to scare you but be very careful. My cousin had an all glass computer table that collapsed. Glass was everywhere. So if possible, find him something else for him to climb on. My son is starting to pull up and try to get everything in sight. The joys of Motherhood.

city dweller said...

isn't it funny how their new stages just happen *all of a sudden*?? that's what just kills me. one minute you're thinking, oh he's such an angel, and the next week, you're like, when did he start doing this??

jess said...

hi. thanks for visiting and posting to my blog.

your little one is adorable!!

i am dreading the day my sweetest boy is mobile and starts doing stuff like that. i will be a nervous wreck! but proud too- that he has so much autonomy

Anonymous said...

Oh no! You have a handful with the lil' one. I hope he feels better.

Anonymous said...

Hey there,

Your boy is gorgeous... let that hair GROW.

But look out for the climbing. My kids stayed on the floor, more or less, but once I was on the phone with my sister and suddenly she said "Uh oh, gotta go, my baby is on top of the refrigerator!". Yeah, her baby was 13 months old! How did he do that? Now he is four and has been on the ROOF.
Look out!

Lisa said...

Your son is so adorable.Makes me want to post my Nieces and nephews
pics on my blog.

Anonymous said...

Oh he is resourceful! I beeter not say never then. Gavin hasn't started climbing. But that is because his little legs are midget legs. He tries to climb, but he's a shorty.


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