Saturday, June 10, 2006

He loooooooves her!

My son loves our next door neighbor. He doesn't love her, he LOOOOOOOVES her! Yes....It's true.

Door bell rings---

DJ: Ah-nee, Ah-nee, Ah-nee!!! (mind you he's screaming and he hasn't seen who's at the door)
Me: Who is it?
Her: It's me. (her name is Malina but, he calls her Ah-nee) Don't ask. I stop trying to figure it out.
Me: Hi, I'm so glad you're here.
Her: My mom said to come over to see if you needed help with anything (this happens almost everyday--how sweet and thoughtful is that?) Oh and Yes!!!! of course, I'm very grateful.
Her: Hi DJ!!!!!!!!! Give me a hug!!!!
DJ: Ah-nee, Ah-nee, Ah-nee!!!!! He hugs her neck so tightly and doesn't let go. The first thing he does is run and get a book and pulls her down!read!read!book!book!book!

Should I worry that when Ah-nee comes over, I no longer exist? He CRIES when she has to leave!
I always say, bbbbbb-but DJ, I'm here. Momma's here. Don't cry. He gives me a look as if to say, Ummmm....areukiddingmerightnow? Ah-nee is leaving, this is so tragic. Don't you care woman!

Here's when he knows the visit will be ending:

So, yes, my son looooooooooves our neighbor and she loooooooooves him and I'm ok with it.....*sigh*


Anonymous said...

Alexis is the same way with our neighbor! If ANYONE knocks on the door she goes flying to the door happily saying "Moo!" For some reason she has called Amber "Moo" since she was a little younger than DJ. And now that she can say "Amber" she's still "Moo"! She too doesn't like it when she leaves. Especially when Amber brings her kitten Charlie with her. It's nice for a little break though. :)

And Dj is so cute! :)

Anonymous said...

Awwww how sweet! I know it must be hard to be invisible sometimes but awww!

How wonderful he can create amazing bonds with others! He is such a well-rounded kid!

Granny said...

You have a big head start on separation anxiety.

TJ said...

When my daughter was about DJ's age she loved her nurse at the Health department office...I would turn green with envy and I guess the nurse noticed...she said don't worry~~she may like me but she loves her daughter is 25 now and I still have to remind myself!

Atasha said...

Oh how sweet! Well my son loooooves pretty women. He has tried to take everyone one of them home from our playdates. He grabs their hand and pulls them towards the car. When I try to take him away he screams. You should see the looks I get from him. As though I were a stranger! There's one particular mom who's name he calls all throughout the day when we're home. What is that about?

Anonymous said...

That is too sweet. I love his "happy" smile.My youngest daughter would smile like that. We called it "her camera pose." Hehehe...
Have a great wekend. :-)

shade said...

Totally know what your talkin about cept its my niecie girl and the girl I baby sit that my daughter goes crazy over.

Carmell said...

i think its cute but know where you are coming from. thankfully none of my children have been around anyone to grow that attached to them. i think its the one child thing. my neice used to cry when people would leave her. because now shes all alone again. he'll get over it again eventually...

Stephanie said...

I can't help it. Everytime I see that boy's smile, I melt. He is too cute!

K. said...

You are not really ok with it, we know. ;) But it is such a cute story.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Love the expression on your sons face in the first picture. True happiness :)


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