It was exactly THREE years BEFORE DJ arrived on the scence. Funny how things happen. None of us had any idea that THREE years later our lives would be changed FOREVER!
We're always asking ourselves, what did we do BEFORE this kid showed up on the scene! Since his arrival, it's never been a dull moment 'round these parts.
Father and Son...

So tell me, (if you're a first time parent or 2nd or 8th time around the block,) how did your "bundle of joy" change your lives?
all I know is grandkids always leave you with warm fuzzies...dj included ;-D
Wow, for us the changes were monumental. Everything in my life always centered around what I wanted to do and when I wanted to do it. When Cody came that all changed. I think finding any time for myself was the hardest.
I also found myself being happy about just small little things like seeing him discover something new for the first time like the deliciousness of mashed potatoes.
They are killing me with the matching outfits and shades- they are too cool!
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