Saturday, September 30, 2006

Fun day with friends!!!!!

Remember this?

When they were babies!

We went to the indoor play area today and met Leeaneli and her mom there. We had a really great time. They always embrace for the cutest hug ever!

They're having a great time!

Check out the photos! What a great time!
Sep 29, 2006 - 64 Photos

Friday, September 29, 2006

I miss my husband

The kids miss their dad too! But, you knew that already.

Sea World with Malina

It's always a good time at Sea World. DJ was so happy Malina was there.
Her mom (Maria) met us there. He calls her Mia.

Every time Malina was out of his eyesight, he would call her! Malina! Malina!
I guess she was in his blindspot while he rode in his stroller. So she carried him most of the time we were at Sea World. He didn't complain at all.

I had to distract him when it was time for all of us to part ways.
He quickly realized she was gone and he was sad again.
I reminded him of his standing date with her every Monday at 3pm.
He didn't seem to consoled by that either.
Other than that, we had a really fun day!

Check out the photos!

Sep 17, 2006 - 30 Photos

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Boy or Girl?

Boy or Girl?
Can you tell?

*Update--While at the (sea world) kids play area, I saw the kid. And I looked for clues. I spotted the ribbon on the tip of her turtleneck and proudly said, she is so cute. Well, needless to say, the mom says, she is a BOY! HUH??? Wait??? I was so proud of myself, I saw the ribbon on the turtleneck. I didn't want to assume the long hair meant it was a girl. A lot of boys have long hair right? (remember, DJ just got a haircut a month ago)!

Well, the mom (who was nursing her newborn) goes on to tell me that she has 6 kids. All under the age of 10. How awesome is that? Is that possible? Are there twins in there somewhere? I didn't ask the details. I just thought to myself and did the math. 6 kids under the age of 10. Does that mean the oldest is 9 and the youngest is the baby she's nursing? See, told you I think way too much sometimes! Did I mention the mom was gor-juss that's not to say you can't look gor-juss after having all those kids but, ummm I had one a little of 2 years ago and ummmm....well, nevermind.

Well, other than that, She is a He and He shares clothes with his sister. Are you confused yet? I had to take the photo. She HE is the cutest HE I've seen in a long time. I didn't give the long hair a second thought because well, you all know my issues with people telling a momma they need to cut their son's hair. And with 6 kids, it's a blessing the kid had on any clothes at all. Bless the momma and daddy.

So, for those of you who guessed a boy was right. And I'm still trying to figure out to have 6 kids under the age of 10. No, I'm not pregnant.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Something to look forward to

Remember THIS?

Well, things are still the same. DJ still looooooooooves Malina. He gets so excited when she comes over. Like clockwork, she's here every Monday at 3pm, I become invisible. Once DJ sees Malina, he forgets that I even exist.

Today, they spent time playing, reading books, and they went for walk around the neighborhood.

I stalked walked along behind them to snap photos.

Of course he gets really sad when it's time for her to go home. But, she tells him in the sweetest voice that she'll be back next week.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Concert on the Green

Fun times!!!!!!

DJ and I went to the concert in the park yesterday. It was a last minute decision and I'm so glad we went. As you can see, he had a great time!

First stop:
Face Painting Booth.

She gave him two: American Flag on one hand and a Lion on the other. She really enjoyed when DJ kept saying Rooooooar for the lion.

He ran up and rolled down the hill so many times I lost count.

Then we saw Tristan and his mommy from playgroup and it was like old times again!

Too cute!

The concert featured Polynesian Dancers
A full orchestra with a soloist
All live entertainment. I have to say it was a good time!

I didn't recognize any of the music (40's era) but, I loved dancing to the music just as well.
The amazing thing about music, it's universal and if it has a nice beat, I'm sure to get on the dance floor no matter what.

This was the cutest couple ever!

They really enjoyed DJ climbing on their lawn chairs and eating out of their popcorn bag.
Of course, I went to stop him but, they said let him be~ We love it. How sweet was that.
I couldn't resist taking their photo. After the concert, I mentioned that I admired the love they showed each other. Well, I got more info than I bargained for.

Turns out they're both in their 70's and on their 2nd marriage to each other. I said: Oh, you got re=married? No, they were married for 40 years to their first spouses (who both died) and now they're working on 30+ years together! Wow!

And of course, I smiled and said: Well, sounds like you were meant to be together. Now that I think about it, why did I say that? Did I mean--so glad to hear your spouses kicked the bucket so you could be together? I wonder if that's how they took it. They seemed to be fine with my response. They smiled, held hands and walked off.

Urrgh! Sometimes, I need to just keep my mouth shut!
Overall, it was a really fun day. I'm so glad we went.

Here's the rest of the photos. Enjoy.
Sep 25, 2006 - 41 Photos

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Happy Birthday Amber and Ashley-You're 9

On September 24, 1997- Amber Lashae and Ashley Naurice

Look at them now! Cute! Cute! Cute! All day long! They are the sweetest neices ever! I sure wish we lived closer.

The twins with their Uncle Darrin. And DJ!

The twins with Uncle Darrin and their Daddy Derrick!


Saturday, September 23, 2006

Mackenna's a Super Star!

Mackenna's a Super Star!

Right after the commercial narrator says: From Generation to Generation,
She's the little girl walking on the grass!
How cool is that!

Check out her new COMMERCIAL.

Life of a busy toddler

Hi Everyone!

DJ here!

I've had a really busy week. Here's some highlights of what's been going on.

I received a really cool basket of toys from my mom's friend Ericha.

Went to a really fun music class this morning.

Then lunch and playtime with friends. You know everyone's my friend.

Hope you're having a great weekend! I am!

Sep 23, 2006 - 31 Photos

I died today.

DJ and I went to the park today after dinner. I got out the car left the driver side door open, left him in the back seat while I went to get the sand toys out the trunk.

Out the corner of my eye I see a green jacket proceed past me. (warning: run on sentence-take a deep breath and read) ----Before I could process what was going on, I SNATCHED the jacket by the hood which just happened to be connected to my son who decided he would jump out the car and proceed to run in front of the big "A" SUV coming down the parking lot. All I could do was just pick him up and hold him very tightly and I cried the sob.snot.broken hearted type of crying.uncontrollably.

Yes people I died today.

My son almost being ran over by a speeding truck has broken my heart into so many pieces and he wonders why he received extra extra hugs and kisses tonight. He thought it was because he helped me put all his bath toys up without asking him to do it after his bath. What a sweet boy.

*DJ's ok. He has a mark on his neck from where I yanked his jacket/hood so hard it made him fall on his butt. The scar will disappear but if I didn't catch him from running in the lot, ..........well, you know the rest.

I'm off to pray and thank God for always watching over babies and fools!---(By the way where did this phrase originate from? I heard it growing up but, never knew the origin)

Lessons Learned

I try to wash DJ's favorite stuffed animals frequently to keep them clean. Especially looking and smelling fresh. DJ lost it once he saw Elmo and the Harley Dog in the Washer.

Poor Baby. He kept saying Get Elmo, Get the doggie! Hysterically.

It was a sad thing to see. I even reassured him that Elmo and the doggie was ok.

I put them in the dryer to speed up the drying time~Talk about a bad move!

He kept saying Get Elmo! Get Doggie! Awwww......what a relief when I opened the door to FREE the babies~He hugged them both and said--Ok, Ok, Huggies~ That's how he says Hugs! Tooo cute!

Next time I'll be sure to do laundry when he's asleep.

Once again another lesson learned.

Friday, September 22, 2006

DJ and the videocam

DJ sees his daddy everyday! On the videocamera that is!

I decided to upload some old videos onto the iMovie in my laptop! It wasn't as hard as thought it would be. Plug in, Import and Yeah!! Well, that's after I said a few bad words trying to figure it out!

I couldn't resist taking the photo of DJ STARING at the video camera very contently.

He kept saying, My Daddy! My Daddy! Daddy in Rack! Daddy in Rack! It was the cutest thing ever. He was so excited but, all he did was smile and stare. Tooo cute.

Too bad my 2.0MP digital camera doesn't have videosound.

What is the purpose of having a video option on a digital camera without sound! Urrgh~

Birthday Cake

Ok, I'm not Martha Stewart's the thought that counts.
DJ really enjoyed licking the bowl, and the cake mixers~
Happy birthday Baby Girl~Let's celebrate all week~ You deserve it~
We LOVE you!

danyelle's cake
Sep 20, 2006 - 8 Photos

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Happy 19th Birthday to our first born!

On September 20, 1987, a beautiful bouncy baby girl named Danyelle Ahsia, was born into this world.

Her parents were just kids themselves

with tons of family support,

we loved and provided for the baby the best way we could.

She turned out pretty good if we may say so ourselves!

Fast forward to 19 years later

this caterpillar has blossomed into a beautiful butterfly who challenges her parents every chance she gets.

And we love everything about her! We are so very proud of her. We love you so much!

We love you Poochie! Happy Birthday! Enjoy Life! You deserve it! We love you!!!--Mom and Dad.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Sometimes moms are too much!

And that's ok.

I drive her crazy because I'm always telling my friends about her. Random people come up to her at work and say: "I know your mom", "Are you Tanyetta's daughter?" Even though I'm sure it annoys her, she knows that I'm always talking about her.

I met her manager a few months ago and I'll never forget what she said. She said, "I love your daughter. She is the sweetest girl ever!" Ok people I was so proud to hear that. She also said: "she always talks about you, and how much she loves her parents."

She mentioned that Danyelle's very respectful and has a crazy sense of humor! Well, any parents out there know, that's the best compliment a parent can hear. I just couldn't believe she was talking about the same girl who grumbles when you ask her to clean her room and bathroom. Well, I guess we can't have it all huh?

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Our first born daughter, Danyelle Ahsia'--She's cool like that! Graduated from HighSchool, second year in college! You go girl!

Well, to be honest, I received a few emails that basically said although we love hearing about DJ and his wild adventures we'd like to hear more about Danyelle and what's she's up to lately.

Well, let me be the first to admit. I'm guilty as charged. BEFORE DJ was born, my daughter will tell you that I took a pic of her everyday! I'm not exaggerating, I'm dead serious. She began going away to summer programs for pre college studies since 8th grade so I can tell you that those were the only times that I MISSED a photo of this girl. I made sure she emailed me photos of her while she was gone. Here's one that clearly states that the chaperone's were not on their job this day:

I admit, the photo taking of miss Danyelle has all but ceased. Yikes! there, I said it, I admit that I have slacked big time. Well....without further ado (is that a word?)...

I would like to present to you:
Miss Danyelle--


Will someone please tell this girl that a nose ring is NOT cute. This is what she wants for her birthday. I honestly told her I cannot look at someone with facial piercings with a straight face. And I surely can't live with them. So she has a clip thingy which still grosses me out. Moving on.

I call her Miss Danyelle because she is a sweetie pie. Sometimes I pinch myself of how sweet she is. I get a tooth ache because she is just that sweet. Don't worry she didn't put me up to write any of this she did however make a comment like, you have 5 million photos of DJ and only 3 of me. You know subtle comments like that.

Soooooo here goes:

Danyelle was born Sept 20, 1987 to Darrin and Tanyetta a couple of teenage kids. Yes, I say we were kids because well...we were but....we made it through the storm.

She's in her second semester of college and she works full time. When I tell you that I NEVER see this child sometimes, it's true. Honestly I have to say, she is a big help around here. DJ and I trash the living room each and everyday but, without fail, miss Danyelle straightens it all up and washes the dishes without complaint. She also checks with me to see when I need mommy nights out/time off.

I think she secretly crosses her fingers hoping I won't need her to babysit her brother. Honestly, she's really good with him. I'm jealous because she gets him in the bath, bed and sleep at a reasonable hour when she babysits him. Oh she rubs it in and sends me text/photos of him sleeping soundly. Thanks! ;)

He LOOOOOOOOVES his sister. We went to target tonight and his face lights up when he sees his big sister!!! Danyelle, Danyelle, Danyelle! Yup, that's DJ calling his big sister all through the store!

She does however take time off from work to spend with the family. We feel so honored. That one day of the week means so much. Thanks Baby Girl... LOL


Our dear sweet baby girl!

This blog is mainly about DJ but, I needed to take the time to discuss the girl for a moment. I say the girl because I'm still trying to hold on to the fact that she's NOT my baby girl anymore! People!!!! where did my baby go?

She's 19 years old now. Makes us wanna scream!

I BRAG about her all the time! There I said it! I have to say, I see a younger version of myself in her EVERYDAY. She isn't your typical teenager. She's UNIQUE (special, different, one of a kind) That's for sure!

I've accepted the fact that she's a rocker girl.

I did my research people. She's a little bit of rock, a little bit of roll, a little bit of turn that crap down or I'm going to throw the speakers out the window kinda girl! I even sat down one day to listen to her playlist on the computer.

*Coheed and Cambria

*Korn (not the one on the cob)
*Green Day
*System of a Down
*Paris Hilton (no comment)
There were tons more! I mean TONS more!
Ok I had to click off the playlist. My head honestly HURT after a few songs on each list. Even though Dashboard brings up the lyrics, I couldn't handle it at all.


Well, she says, but, Mom, you listen to FISHBONE
Lemme tell you one thing young lady, there's NO comparison to Fishbone and a group who can't even spell their name correctly. Everyone knows CORN isn't spelled with a K. Nevermind.

Ok, back to miss girly here!
I asked her describe her style for me because I didn't want to describe it as, OH NO you didn't put that on today so, I decided to ask her to describe her style to me:

She said: "I'm rocked out with rockabilly influences.
Oh she made sure she clarified that she's NOT and NEVER will be EMO or GOTH

I've always wondered why the kids at the mall wore really really tight pants, wore mostly black, dirty clothes. Yes, people that's the style round these parts. Kids actually walk around looking SAD and clothes that look like they've never seen TIDE or a bath in a LONG time. I just want to save them all! But, I can't. I don't think they want to be saved honestly. *SIGH*

The final subject is still in question. The jury's still out on this one as we speak. I asked if she's dating someone and she says NOOOOO mom. Ok, just asking but, let's just go back in the vault of her past boyfriends. OH my goodness, I can't believe I'm going to do this to her. She'll kill me later.

Here's the list of her past boyfriends that I can honestly say I'm NOT sad to see them go at all. Is that mean? I will let her tell you what happened with this one. It makes for a good story for sure!

New thought:

Ok...She likes guys who are: And please note, these are HER words:
Big (I didn't even have the guts to ask her to explain this), pierced (wonder where she got that idea from)

tattooed, non-skinny (FAT?), and they must be: white or asian guys.
So there you have it people, my daughter's personal ad.
I need a HUG.

50 cents and a smile.

DJ and I have this agreement. Don't act up in the store and I'll let you get on the Burt and Ernie ride! Yes people, I bribe my son with a 50 cent ride!

Needless to say, all through the store, he says: "Ride Burr-Urrnee Mommy??" "Ride Burr-Urnee Mommy??"

I have to admit, he was so good in the store. Didn't take any clothes off the racks, Didn't throw a fit because he wanted to get out and run wild in the store, he used his inside voice and played with his toys and ate his snacks while mommy shopped.

Awww.......this is a treat well deserved: Wouldn't you agree?

* If only I could get him to be this good when we go to restaurants*--I'm dreaming I know~
Sep 19, 2006 - 4 Photos

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Fun times with friends!

DJ and I went to The Kids Faire
We met Mackenna and her mommy there! We had so much fun!

Sep 17, 2006 - 17 Photos

Check the schedule, the Faire might be coming to a city near you! If so, please! don't walk, run to the show! You'll have a great time! Oh and the kids will too :)

Need a new blog template for FREE?

My blogging buddy Trisha posted about this really cool contest for a new FREE customized blog template from BlueBird Blogs!

Click here to enter the Contest

Go Check it out and be sure and enter! Hurry, the contest ends soon! Good luck people!

And like they say in the NY lottery, "you gotta be in it to win it!"

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Church and Friends!

I received a phone call from a dear sweet friend. Her message was very sweet and to the point. She said: "I would love to see you and DJ at church today."

I'm on my way there hope to see you too! Now how could I not show up?

So, needless to say: DJ and I went to church today. It's been such a long time and I was very shocked the place didn't catch fire once I showed up.
Kanye West once said:
I want to talk to God but I'm afraid because we ain't spoke in so long.

Anyways!!! DJ had a great time! As you can see from the photos (please DO NOT laugh at the blurry fuzzy shots)

DJ, Eli and Ben were the stars of the show! They were even allowed to ring the bell before church service began. How cool is that?

Question: Do you attend church? Has it been a long time since you've spoken to God? Do you feel that it's been too long and he could care less?
Oh and if you're an Atheist, it's my blog, I can say God if I want to! Thanks.

Hope you enjoy the photos. Prepare to squint (Atasha no wise cracks ok ;) LOL

Sep 16, 2006 - 12 Photos

Sea World

As you can see, they had a great time!

I love this photo. They look so serious and they're having a private conversation of course!

Cutie Pie Alyssa!

Taking a Rest!

DJ and Gavin hanging out!

DJ and Mason taking a break-


Mommies and Babies at Sea World-

We had a great time!

I am guilty of making Atasha laugh so much her cheeks hurt! Oh the memories. Note to myself: Behave when you're out in public! LOL

The kids had a blast.

You have to go to her blog to see our photos. Did you forget I'm working with the "oh my goodness she did not bring that thing out in public" camera--so until I get a new camera,
I have to depend on my friends' cameras for the time being. They don't seem to mind one bit so that's a good thing.

On a brighter note, check out the Shamu Shots on her blog too! Atasha was FARRRRRRR up and caught some really great up close shots! Her camera is cool! Yummm Zoom!!!:)


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