Friday, November 3, 2006

DJ's 2 year checkup

Did you just say Awwww???

I know! That's the same way I feel.

He took it like a big boy. He cried for a second then said: Sticker Please, Blue Cloo-Please! Sticker.

His 2 year check up was great.

What is the purpose of doctor's offices requiring you to check in 15 minutes beforehand only to call on you 15 minutes AFTER your appointment. They kill me because if you're late, they reschedule you but, if they're late, you have to wait. What the...

Ok back to the story:
We walk into the room and DJ says: Buttafly! Flutter! (making a fluttering sound and gesture) His daddy taught him that!
The nurse says: Yes, a Butterfly. How cute!

The nurse took his vitals (height, weight, etc.) and asked a series of questions. (Allergies, etc..)

She said, "He's only 2 right?" I said yes why? She said oh nothing, this is a test for 3 year olds (shapes) does he know his shapes yet?" I said, let's see.

Here's where the fun began.
She pointed to all the shapes on the board:

Her: What shape is this?
DJ: Triangle
DJ: Oval (circle)
DJ: Box (square)
DJ: Heart

At this point, she stops the test and says WOW--he's a smart cookie.
Me (thinking to myself)-- I could've told you that but, figured he could show you better than I could tell you.

She was impressed. She mentioned her three year old still has trouble with his shapes. Those who know me well, know that I cannot stand the comparison of kids. They're all individuals, they progress on their own schedule.

I just told her all kids are different and very unique in their own special way. It's true!!!!! I guess it wasn't a good time to bring up the fact that my son knows his colors, counts and knows basic spanish words and commands huh? See, I would NEVER dream of bragging on my son. It would just make me seem like the braggy type. That's why I videotape it. LOL

The doctor was the sweetest lady ever. She asked DJ's permission to touch him. It was cute. When she touched his you know what, she said, I'm checking the package and it's ok because your mommy is here ok? WOW!!
She took her time to explain everything and was very attentive and answered all my questions.

Is it possible to love your child's doctor?

If so, then there I said it. HaHa.

All in all....

He's healthy. Normal and a typical toddler. What exactly is a typical toddler?
Someone who declares that he no longer wishes to nap, rarely eats his food, refuses to sit still in a restaurant, blurts out cuss words in church, hits, pushes, snatches toys, and see where I'm going with this??? It's a good thing my son is normal and typical. *sigh*


Anonymous said...

Healthy and happy and smart. Can't ask for much more than that!

When Drew was 3 and the Dr. checked him down below, he didn't warn him first. Drew smacked his hand and told him that no one could touch him there. Good boy!

TJ said...

Lets out a cuss word in church...hehe...cuteness!!
I let out one on a church hay ride once...oops...well in my defense I thought we were about to fall into a ditch!!!
Of course our boy is smarter!!

Atasha said...

That's exactly what a typical toddler is. Yep! Brag! brag! brag! away. You ought to be proud. If you don't brag who will?

Some people only wish their kid were as bright as yours. Some people like me. No let me stop. Yes it's not good to compare kids but as a mom I know I cannot help it sometimes.

Shoot I did it today at the park. A mom's daughter was 3 days older than Alyssa(how cool is that BTW) and she was walking like a pro and in shoes even. And heres my little girl who won't walk if I put something in her foot and she isn't walking near as good...BooHooo

chelle said...

hehe your little guy rocks! Glad as is well!

meljoy said...

yes! I love my kiddos doctor! (his neuro is a bit of a bitch, but oh well) when he had his two year checkup, she couldn't even get to the shapes (i think that the shapes are a requirement at 2 years here, not 3), he started pointing out and naming the letters on her name tag and she was floored. That was the day she mentioned the autism (grrrr, I can't help but think "jinxed"), but now aaron's to the point where a stop sign is not longer a stop sign, its an "octagon", no matter how much we try to tell him what it is, he only names the shapes, lol.

shots suck :-(


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