Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Lessons from a Toddler!

Hi Everyone,

DJ here!

This is a message for all the toddlers out there.

If you're forced to sit in the bathroom while your mom takes a shower,

DO NOT and I repeat, DO NOT attempt to shave your face with one of your dad's razors.
The plastic cover on the razor is there for a reason!

If you decide to do it, please be warned that the following will happen to you!
Then your mom will jump out the shower screaming from the horror and sight of your blood and will slather vaseline all over your scar, she'll be sure to call your grandma and relive the story all over again and make you repeat over and over again to never ever do it again.

Trust me, It's not worth the pain and most of all the drama you'll get from all of it. I cannot emphasize enough: Just say no to undersink cabinets!

Update: My dad called tonight and yes, you guessed it, my mom had to tell him the story too. Will this woman ever let it go? He's in Iraq, why get him all worked up over something that clearly happened hours ago!

Isn't it HER FAULT for leaving dangerous items under the sink for me to get into anyway? I'm a toddler, I'm curious! I get into things. It only takes a blink and BAM! I'm up to someting! That's just what I do!

Notice how I'm turning it all into her fault. ---Dontchaloveit ??????

Don't worry granny, it's not as bad as it looks. I'm ok! I'm ok!


Anonymous said...

But ofcourse it's her fault. You're learning very early DJ, to pass the blame. I live by it!

I'm really sorry and I know it wasn't funny but...well....you know, I had to laugh.

BTW, I've made the switch to the new beta blogger and all is well so far!

Granny said...

Glad he's okay. Hide the razors.

Anonymous said...

It happened to me once, too. Don't feel too bad.

Put them up high! Along with the scissors, and the ice pick.

chelle said...

arg! Not the razor! Poor Mommy! You know we try to think of all the ways you toddlers can find to be "curious" but alas things slip by us!

Glad everyone is ok and that you got to talk to your Daddy!

Stephanie said...

Aww. He's still so cute though ;)

TJ said...

Yikes DJ!!
While Mommy gets a shower you must sit quietly till she's through...next time Mommy will give you a nice book to read and you must read it...and don't move a muscle...poor Mommy...I'm sure she was so upset!!
Mommy is alone and is doing her very best...give her a big hug and a kissy poo!!
Love You Both!!

Schatzi said...

Aww.. (HUGS) to both of you. I bet he was more shook up from all the fuss. Glad you're both ok!

Anonymous said...

I love reading about your adventures! Thanks so much for sharing....I think your little man needs one of those shaving kits made for little boys. They usually come with shaving cream and a plastic razor (usually a spiderman or batman theme). Glad he's alright.

Gina said...

You POOR baby...After I call Family Services, I'll have to tell you about the time I closed my twin brother in the dishwasher, LOL...(glad he is ok...now we KNOW that he knows what the razors are for!)

Stephanie said...


Well, he is trying to be like daddy. All grown up and all.

SnowWhite said...

oh man this remind me of our second child NAtasha finding my razor and trying to shave her legs lol, she has never done it since. lol well atleast for a few more years (she is 10 now).
tell him to tell everyone, someone tried to mug mommy and I fought him off lol

Drea said...

awe how scary. It doesnt look to bad though. My sons gotten way worst boo boos by just walking around the house and falling haha. Hes a clutz.

I have seen him grab my razor a few times though if its left within reach. So I try to keep it way up high in the shower where he cant get it.

Leigh said...

Mom guilt, if we think on something long enough hell, we can blame ourselves for anything.

Once Cody bent over and kissed a lamp I had placed on the floor for just a minute. See, I'm still carrying the guilt around after a year : )


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