He's so proud! He put them on all by himself!
Too bad he couldn't leave the house like this.
p.s. I'm so proud of him. He LOVES to be a big boy and do things by and for himself. This really made my heart melt. Awwww....the cuteness factor is off the charts.
Good job DJ!!!!!!! He looks good Tanyetta, what's the prob bob?! He just wants to be like Dad.
oh now i see, the red marks and the backwards shoes. hehehe he still looks good from far away!!
Too cute! They try so hard! Becca gets so upset when she gets her shoes wrong!
I see nothing wrong with it! Well, I am the mom who let her 4 yo wear his bathing suit with cowboy boots to school. Gotta pick your battles!
You gotta give him props for trying :). There's something about little toddler boys that just melts me into a puddle of goo; your son is so beautiful. Thanks for the comment!
OMG! he's growing up so fast! I just read through your blog, and wow! you've had a lot going on. It's awesome to see Darrin home (see how long its been?) and to see your family is doing well...
Very Cute! I love when they start doing things by themselves.
Thanks a lot! Now that my husband has seen your baby boys pics, he is pressuring me to give him a "lil man"! He is precious!
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