Saturday, May 5, 2007

6 hours

(6 hours)---the amount of hours we spent on a date withOUT the kids! Woo hoo!!!

What do you mean it's so highschool to take photos of yourselves! HaHa!

Ok, Ok what about asking a complete stranger to take a photo of you? Hey, we don't get out much!

Can you tell we're a little excited to be out on a date withOUT the kids!

and well.......that's all you need to know! We grown folx so there!!!!---LOL

Question: Do you and your significant other go on dates? Is it a regular thing? If so, where do you go and what did you do?
If not, why not? I'm so nosy can't you tell :)


Monkey Giggles said...

Yes, we still date after 16 years. WOW...It's hard to think it has been that long. We are best-friends. When we go out we do the dinner and movie. If we can't get OUT of the house. We do what ya call a in HOUSE date. Send the kids to bed and have dinner alone....and dance in the living room. I love both.

Leish said...

Thanks for the sweet comments! Cute picture of you two!

Special K ~Toni said...

Date?? Don't I wish! I wish I could keep my eyes open past 10pm. Getting old sucks.

Looks like y'all had a great time! I'm jealous!

Anonymous said...

You guys are just so cute together! :)

D-dawg said...

yes we go on dates! It is what I look forward to during the week. We would love to go once a week but I would say it is usually 2-3 times a month. We do dinner a lot, sometimes a movie or just running errands. I just love alone time. And I think it is GREAT for your marriage. Cute pictures of you guys on your date!

angie said...

Oh! You guys are so cute! I think it's great to take a bunch of pics of you on your date- hey, you have to live it up... and for 6 hours! Wow!! My husband and I try to go on dates. Our goal is once a week but it ends up being twice a month if we're lucky. We go to movies and out to dinner-last week we went on our first date without the baby. I don't like leaving my babies, but he's almost 6 months and my brother and his wife were the babysitter- sorry I am writing a story here...keep going on your dates- they are soo important!

Anonymous said...

My boyfriend and I take pics all the time (I am camera obsessed) and we have only been together about two years so we still date all the time. He just moved about 3 hours away for a new job and comes up about every 3 weeks and we go out. Ok I know that does not compete with you married folks but it is still cute to me. N E ways Miss T....great pics...awwwwwww.

Shelly- Mom Files said...

Well girl, Big Daddy takes me out on dates (mostly to dinner) without kids and of course he never behaves! LOL!! It is so sweet how he opens the door, pulls out my chair, and orders for me. Of course, he is looking for as little something, something later! We try to have "alone" time at least once per week, even if it is just staying at home flipping channels or eating lunch by candle light! Your photos are gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

w00t how wonderful that you were able to go on a date! I am so jealous! Having a newborn it will be a while before we get out again. We try to go out regularly or at least have a date night at home!

Overwhelmed! said...

Tanyetta, you're one of the winners for my most recent book giveaway! Congratulations!

Please email me your mailing address to adoptive_mom_1 at yahoo dot com.


Sallie said...

My hubby and I love to go on coffee dates. We sit and chat and drink our Americano's and Latte's and relax! That is the big dates we get to do lately :-)

Anonymous said...

Incidentally, we just went for one last Saturday. Third time since Tee was born! But it's gonna happen more often now since my Mom offered to babysit once a fortnight - WOOT!

We went for dinner and Spiderman 3!

AnnaLiza said...

YAH!!! WOOHOO!! eriq and i finally were able to get away last month for our 8th year anniversary. that was after some 1.5 years without one single date. well needed but seemed too short.


JayJayGhatt said...

awww. cute. cute. what a gorgeous couple. my hubby and i go on dates at least once a month and it's a challenge to do so but we try to squeeze it in.


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