(Are you surprised? I'm always late.)
I LOVE the expressions on their faces!
As you can see, he had a good time. The moms laughed and agreed that they've all been there. Toddlers are decision makers too ya know! He even provided the musical entertainment.
i sure wish i could read his mind sometimes! If I could, I'm sure he's saying, "I have this woman running in circles and I'm loving every minute of it"
I need a hug *sigh*
Question: What is the wildest thing your toddler has insisted on wearing out the house??? Did you allow it? Details people. I need some encouragement here. I'm honestly trying to figure out this toddler world!
hahaha. his bear slippers. thats pretty funny mom.
I'm with him. I'd want to wear them too, they're cool!
Well this is sort of different but Christopher, since he insists sometimes on dressing himself, rather than fight him he leaves this house many times with his underwear on backwards or on the wrong side.
You are gonna think I am nuts if you don't already! EVERY morning is a fight to get Luke dressed. So one day when he insisted on wearing his swimsuit and cowboy boots to school, I caved!
His teacher called me later in the day and said he was the 'envy' of the class! I let his freak flag wave that day!
These days it's more about making sure they don't look like hootchies when they leave.
Hi, I am tagging you- come on over if you want to play.
I told Becca that it would wear out her slippers and make them dirty and therefore not able to wear them at home ... that deterred her for the moment!
Great pictures! (Becca has that bike!)
I love ur blog, just this morning i had to fight her to leave home her winter hat, lol it is like 75 out today and she wants to wear winter hat and jacket, lol i won this round :-)
red flip flops and a pink winter fur-trimmed vest.
whatever, dear. just hurry up.
My little boy insist on having on his house-shoes when going to bed, and it drives me up the wall.
Well mines is no longer a toddler so I'm past this stage (THANK GOD).
When he was though my son was into wearing sandals any month EXCEPT for the summer (can you believe that).
Unfortunately, he wouldn't get far. It always took me some time and a whole lot of bribery but I would manage to get him to see things my way.
*SIGH* If I could only get that to work NOW.....LOL
cowboy boots with shorts on a 90+ degree Texas day when he was two (on a trip to the grocery store).
Of course that was 20 years ago. sometimes ya just gotta pick your battles.
Well the color of the shirt matches pretty well with the slippers. Sorry I am "anonymous" but I don't have a blog or google account :(
I don't know if you participate in those blog tags, but I've tagged you anyways. I thought another incoming link would help your blog out. Thanks.
Brandon J
Money for Military
he looks fine! they say that letting the kids choose what they want to wear encourages individuality. i don't know how many parents agree with this, but i try to let the kids choose those lil' tidbits once and a while. but, really its understandable!!
i regret missing playgroup last week =(
That is too cute!!
Atasha- Same here! I always have to do an undie check! My son could care less if the undies are on the right way or not. Men!
T- look at it this way, it could be worse. Slippers on play is not so bad, is it?
Cody used to insist on wearing this bicycle helmet every morning. He would march to the closed pick it up and say "helmet on." I would crack up when he did it. Whenever we would pull up beside someone and the window was down they would stare at him, probably wondering what was wrong tht he needed a helmet.
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