Saturday, June 30, 2007

Random Things

I've been tagged so many times by my blogging friends (all 3 of them) HaHa..

Here goes and NO i am NOT going to tag anyone else.

This was stressful enough for me.

Here are some random things going on in my mind.

You asked or maybe you didn't. Here goes:

1.If I see food stuck in your teeth, I will tell you.
2.I was a teen mom. I felt more confident at that stage of motherhood than I do now.
3.I hate when condiments touch my fingers. For instance, I will dip my fries but, the minute the ketchup gets on my fingers, I am done.
4.I cannot stand animals. Mostly cats and dogs. I cannot stand people who think their dog will NOT bite someone. Cats are gross and they are so freaking sneaky. They will piss on your leg if you don't watch them.
5.I didn't cry when my son's fish died.
6.People who SMILE all the time are suspect to me. You cannot be happy all the freaking time, I feel like punching them in the gut just to get a different reaction out of them.
7.If you have rotten, discolored, dingy veneers, or missing teeth, please, don't expect me to take anything you say seriously. There's too much stuff on the market to have a jacked up grill. Top or bottom. NO excuse. Get ya grill fixed.
8.I am a good friend. I don't extend this privy to all. I have been known to revoke friendship cards too!
9.I have NO idea what's going on in the political world and it makes my husband cringe.
10.I got the question wrong on Jeopardy last night. He growled at me. How was I supposed to know there's a political party represented by a damn donkey! Does that mean they're a bunch of asses? NEVERMIND.
10.Don't ever come over my house without calling first.
11.I just realized Miles (on Sesame Street) is Gordon' son. And Gabby is Maria and Luis' daughter? When did this happen? Where have I been?
12.I read blogs about sex and erotica. It baffles me that people are so uptight about the one thing that is so expressive and free. How do you think you got here? Open your mind. You just might learn something!
13.I hate skinny girls who grab their imaginary fat and say they need to lose weight. I feel like slapping them with a turkey leg and shoving a loaf of bread down their throat.
14.I can't swim. Every year, I say I'm going to learn and every year goes by and I don't.
15.I have a brother. His name is Daniel. He's 25. He calls me every week just to say hi.
16.I don't have any sisters.
17.I cry everytime I watch Beaches. I always fast forward to the 'scene' and just BALL.
18.I love the movie Holiday Heart. Ving Rhames is some kinda hot to me. Have you seen him in Baby Boy?
19. I just found out Yahoo Photos are being eliminated. I have over 700 photos there. I'm being cheap. I just need to order all my photos on a CD and be done with it already.
20. I wasn't playing about #7. I need to start calling people out.
20. If you're offended by anything I've posted. Let me be the first to say, RELAX and DEAL with it. It's only Cohhhhhhh-Muuuuuuu-Deeeeeeeee!


Midori said...

I know nothing about the political world either, this is why I suspect my childhood dream of becoming prime minister will never happen! ;-)

Special K ~Toni said...

#6 surprises me- you have a mean streak!

#12- me too! Isn't it great????

#13- I am with you on that!

Anonymous said...

Miss T that one about beating people with a turkey leg made me laugh until I coughed.
You are soooooooooooooo funny.

Lisa R Charles said...

Ha, ha, ha! That was funny as heck! I can't believe I sat here and read all of it, but you drew me in from the start. Well said!

Jacqueline said...

A turkey leg and a loaf of bread? Too funny!

Atasha said...

I hear you on all of them. Well except that I can swim.

Yes they are all a$$e$.

11. And yes where have you been. Oops maybe I called myself out. So what if I have always watched Sesame Street

It's true some people are way too uptight.

I enjoyed reading this.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I almost spit out my water on some of those. Pretty funny!

Anonymous said...

whoah! remind me not to smile or complain about fat around you


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