Sunday, June 3, 2007

Storytime, Snacks and tons of questions!

Went to storytime at our local library. You know, in my quest, to expose him to all things education. The theme for storytime this week: Underwater Adventures!

The storyteller read 4 books and one interactive activity, it was a really cute event. I loved the cute songs (I can't remember any of the words of course),
the books were really colorful and very entertaining!

I love the way she decorated the room like an underwater adventure! I wanted to take a photo of the entire wall but, didn't want to interrupt the event!

Afterwards, she announced that she was giving all the kids snacks. It was a baggie of goldfish. While she was in the process of giving them out, she says, if you would prefer your child to not have them, please let her know.

Yeah right, you're waving a box of goodies around a bunch of toddlers, you really think any of the moms are going to say No thank you, Johnnie can't have any of your calorie laden snacks!

I had to wonder, what if I were a really anti snack mommy, what would I do in that situation. Would I just whisk my son out the room once she began giving out the snacks or would I have just allowed him to have the snack. I once met a mom at a park playdate who said: All she ever sees are parents just giving their kids tons of snacks! She said, she never gives her kid snacks. I asked her what she fed her kid. She said, 3 square meals a day and that's well enough for him.

Wow, I was impressed because the day my son eats 3 square meals a day and eats all his food in one setting, I'm going to cut his snacks off too! I mean really, would he need to snack if he's getting his 3 square meals?

I mean really, kids and snacks just well, go together. Don't they? I try to limit his juice intake only because I know the boy will hit every wall in the house if he's had one too many juice boxes! But, I don't have a cow if he's having a juice box at playgroup. Thankfully they serve 100% juice boxes. Are those things really 100% juice? You can stop laughing at me now! I'm serious. I want to know. How can you tell if something or anything is actually 100% when you weren't there in the factory making it?

Question: What kind of healthy snacks do you feed your toddlers/kids?
What suggestions of healthy snacks can you provide?
Please! let's discuss this!


Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

Oh, what's life without snacks!? Kids are small and need to eat several times a day- in my opinion! My kids really love any types of snacks. Their morning snack (before lunch) is always popcorn. Then later on a snack would be some grapes or apples, or Teddy Grahams, or carrots & dip- they love that!! Aside from the Teddy Grahams, I think that's all pretty healthy!


Special K ~Toni said...

"Anti- snack" ??? What??? My 5yo survives on them!

Carina said...

Kids need snacks! Like, from a medical/health point of view. They're too little and burn up too many calories to try to fit everything in three meals. Their little tummies empty faster because they don't hold as much. Heck, I need snacks too. You just try to take away my snacks. I'll get vicious.

Anonymous said...

I can't survive without snacks, so I know my kid can't! There are way to many healthy snacks out there to deprive kids of in between meal eating. Even my pediatrician encourages healthy snacking. Fruit for one. Gavin loves fruit, he loves granola bars and stuff like that. What toddler doesn't love goldfish. I am not going to try to sound super healthy, Gav does get treats like cookies and some of mommy's potato chips.

Anonymous said...

Here's our list of typical snacks:

goldfish, cheese sticks, yogurt, fruit, dried fruit, carrots with dip, dry cereal

Mamapumpkin said...


I don't have a hard & fast rule. Everything in moderation, I say. Like I look at it over the week to just make sure she's had some fibre, some protein, some carbs, some Vitamins, calcium etc.

I also try to feed her 6 times a day rather than 3 - For example...morning oatmeal, then mid morn some fruit, lunch pasta, tea cheese, dinner ham sandwiches, supper cookies/whatever!

I try to limit the bad stuff to times when we're at my Mom's or at playgroup cuz those are the times I don't have much control and just give in. But at home, she's pretty good though she has a weakness for ice cream....and I usually say OK, IF she finishes her dinner.

Michelle said...

My kids eat snacks and they have three meals a day. Their meals aren't huge because they don't eat a ton in one setting, so I think it's natural for them to have snack throughout the day.

We have snack time between breakfast and lunch. Usually a banana and some fruit snacks. Then another snack time after naps. They will have cheese, crackers, pretzels, cereal (without the milk), fruit, or yogurt.

Most toddlers are really too small to eat three meals a day and just be ok. So snacking I think is just peachy. :D

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Miss Snarky Pants said...

I'm proud to admit that my son is not into snacking. **Don't get me wrong, I'm worst than the children are when it comes to snacking and you can count on finding all sorts of goodies in my home at all times** but he's the only one of my children who doesn't like much more than some fruit or maybe popcorn.

Unless a persons child is overweight, I wouldn't stress so much over the snacks. I mean really, can you imagine life without....

(Girl let me go and get me something to snack on...LOL)

Marine Wife said...

I was much better about the snacking when I only had one, but still try to keep it within reason and with reasonably healthy snacks. We have popcorn almost daily when the oldest comes home from school. And I offer fruit and various crackers (cheese, graham). I try not to let them snack too much in the hours before dinner so that they'll actually eat their dinner. Pick your battles!

Shelly- Mom Files said...

Hey, kids gotta have their snacks. It is part of their right of being a child! Free snacks are even better! LOL!!

D-dawg said...

I agree with everyone that kids NEED snacks. Their tummies are small. I try to do healthy ones and then they can have a "not so healthy" one after. We do yogurt, bananas, apples dipped in peanut butter, crackers dipped in milk, giant carrots, cheese sticks, yogurt raisins, strawberries, grapes, cheese n crackers, toast, etc. I love to hear other people's snack ideas though cause we get bored!

Shelliza said...

It seems like all my son does is snack. He eats about 5 times a day but it's because his meals are small. I usually take a snack and something to drink wherever we go, just in case.

Shelly- Mom Files said...

I stole lots of snack ideas from this one! Yay!


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