Tuesday, July 31, 2007

How adventurous are you?

When it comes to trying new foods?

I'm married to a person who has eaten EEL, Snake, Dog, and I'll stop here because I feel like Veeing a little just thinking of it.

I on the other hand am very very CLOSED minded when it comes to trying new foods. Heck, I tried THIS and could NOT finish it. My husband said, 'at least try it. it's RUDE to not try it' He is so smart!

Thank GOD my friend who so graciously invited us over for dinner did NOT see when I transfered my food to D's plate!

I thought to unwrap it and just eat the insides but, then I just chickened out! I was so relieved there was salad to stuff myself with!

Everytime I tell myself to just try a new food every now and then, I think about the Fear Factor show and pass.

So, tell me...what is the most exotic food you've eaten and LOVED or HATED?


Julie Shaw said...


shoeaddict said...

I live in Louisiana so I have eaten things like alligator, turtle, rabbit, frog, squirrel... And of course- crawfish, crabs, shrimp, all the time.

I HATED frog legs. Turtle soup is not bad but, not great. Alligator is great. Squirrel, rabbit and deer are all good. I don't eat them regularly (except deer, an elk)

Anonymous said...

I kind of walk the line between adventurous and not adventurous when it comes to food! I will try something new as long as it's not too over-the-top! The first time I tried sushi 8 years ago, I thought I would hate it, but I ended up loving it - and still do! Yum... sushi! Now I want it for dinner!

Jane, P&B Girls

Anonymous said...

I'm with you. I am very plain and simple with what I eat. I believe that not everything is meant to be eaten and I am VERY stubborn about getting out of my box. I like my box. I won't even eat sushi. And I would hate to offend someone if they cooked something I didn't want to eat, but I still wouldn't eat it.

Lissete said...

I do NOT do exotic! Adventurous for me was eating mushrooms @ Benihana. Guess what? I liked them! :)

Anonymous said...

I have ate eel and it's one of my favorites. was delicious and the dragon roll(sushi)is absolutely yummy-it too has eel in it.
Others on my list are squid and octopus-very yummy. Snail or Escargot-I didn't care for it but tried it at a young age so maybe now I would.
I definitely like to try new things so I would probably be up for anything other than animal parts such as feet,or intestines Yuk-not my cup of tea
Fun post, thanks Maribeth(AKA-Marnini)

Nikki Neurotic said...

I love sushi and will eat calamari. I've had alligator and it was okay.

I won't touch most British food, just thinking about a lot of it makes me ill. LOL, I'm suppose to visit there for three days and I already know I'll survive solely on fish and chips!


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