Monday, July 30, 2007

I need a new name!

I would like to change my blog URL in conjuction with my Gmail account.

I want to keep all my "days like these" posts intact. I know, I want a lot huh!

Can someone out there suggest any cool, creative blog names?

I've been thinking about using my name Tanyetta as my blog name but it's taken and the person hasn't posted since 2005 and won't give the blog up. *sigh*

So, I need help.

Can anyone suggest any cool, funky, creative blog names?

If I wasn't so poor, I would venture out and get Wordpress or Typepad but, honestly, the thought of paying for my blog makes me cringe. I LOVE blogger. Knock on wood, I've never had any problems!


Oh, wait here's the best part, if you suggest a really cool name and I choose it, I'll give you a prize. I'm not sure what it is but, it will be a cool prize! Trust me.


Granny said...

I think basic Word Press is free.

D-dawg said...

Tanyetta, I have thought about this a ton lately cause I want to change mine too. But when you change the url is it like starting over with a whole new blog or does it save everything you have? That's what I'm worried about.

As far as names... um... I am not very creative, sorry.

AnnaLiza said...

i know you can host from somewhere (perhaps blogger?) to wordpress and it becomes free--- not too sure though.

someone took our last name [too]! aggrhh! hahaha...

calimckoys is great....
sorry, no great suggestions.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I am new to your blog. I really enjoyed walking through
I thought for the heck of it I would throw a new blog name out there for you.
How about Tanyetta Talks?
Good Luck

Shelly- Mom Files said...

What about "chronicles of a crazy black woman"? No, kidding!!! Maybe "tanyetta's house". I am no good at this but thought I would give it a shot. Honestly, Dwayne came up with that!

Diva's Thoughts said...

I can't think of a cool nme right now but if I do I'll be sure to forward to you.

I think when you start a new URL that you have to start all over again. Are you going to copy and paste all of your posts over to that new blog name? That's a lot of work girl.

Anonymous said...

Just found your blog today, I've had fun reading it. And your son is adorable! :)

Monkey Man Miles said...




Mamapumpkin said...

Wordpress has a free option. I'll be paying for my own domain soon, using the wordpress platform but hosting it elsewhere. Bigpumpkin was taken so I settled for mamapumpkin. People are just gonna have to get to know the new ME.

I will be transferring my old blog into the new one (for those who don't know, you can save your old blog and migrate it over) - don't worry.....

I like Tanyetta Talks or Tannytalks, Tannytales, TanyettaTalksTall, oh I don't know....something that shows you are VOCAL and can talk. A LOT. Hahahaha!!!

Anonymous said...

Talented Tanyetta

Time With Tanyetta

Tanyetta Can Tell It

Table Talk With Tanyetta

That's Tanyetta

Terrific Times with Tanyetta

Tanyetta's Treasures

Tanyetta's Treasurebox

Tea Time With Tanyetta

Tanyetta's Memories

Tanyetta Tanyetta Tanyetta!

Tanyetta is a Babe


Nikki Neurotic said...

Wordpress is free, and you can bring your old posts with you...I never did but you can. Check it out.

Believer said...

Tanyetta's Treasures

Sound's great. You can leave your URL in place, hence, not having to worry about old post and pics. Just change you blog template and header.

I'm creative so I could see you in a cartoon character sifting through a treasure and probably not the usual kind. Have the graphic artist incorporate what's important to you.

I hope that helps!

PS I like the crazy black woman title too. My husband calls me a crazy white woman. ;)


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