Tuesday, July 31, 2007

blog tracking, stats, and International Visitors!

I always talk to myself. Hey, the first step is admitting it so there!!!

I've always wondered how people knew who found their blog, their IP, and more. Heck,

I've always wanted to make money blogging too but, well honestly, who would pay to read about a momma who has NO IDEA what she's doing when it comes to raising a toddler!?

Needless to say, I've ventured into the world of tracking my stats and ummm.....well....i'm not sure I want to know. I even found myself on a few new blogs that I've never heard of but, they have me on their blogrolls. *crickets*

It makes me wonder how I've had 39 visitors today and less than 5 comments. HaHa. Oh well, such is life. Talk about ego crushing to the 150th power!

Take for instance, when I clicked on recent searches.

I didn't check them all but, I did check out a few that caught my eye.

Someone did a search for I miss my husband and you know that touched my heart. Well, I'm #9 on the search but, the #1 search almost made me fall out of my chair!--BEWARE!!!

Here's a few other searches--

Popsicle trays

and my personal favorites, someone did a search on how to get diaper rash cream out of their carpets.

and toddler says daddy all the time
How happy am I that I'm NOT THE ONLY ONE! Whoever you are, I feel you!!!!!!!

My stats also says I had over 100 visitors (how did that happen?) to my blog yesterday mostly from the US but, what I want to know---can the visitors from
South Africa
and Malaysia
please come out of lurking?
Have we 'met' before?


Lissete said...

Ok, is this is becoming a bit freaky. I just drafted a post for my blog that is about what people google that leads them to my blog!

Atasha said...

Ha! You had me reading about that #1 search. I'm dying here. Hey so wrong with oral stimulation...hehehehe. You made my evening. Thanks it's been rough :-)

The Detective said...

Wow, I have blogspot too. How do you track visitors? I just want to know if people from other countries are reading. Also, how do you put it on a feeder?

Anonymous said...

It's so funny... I have become addicted to checking our blog stats. Everyday it's like "how many readers"?? We have wordpress so it's set up a little differently... but we can tell too about what people have googled. The stuff is so RANDOM and so funny. One person. How to correct a really bad haircut. Hialrious, right??
AHhh... the blog world!!
- Audrey
Pinks & Blues Girls

mia said...

I'm de-lurking. Since you've been nice enough to comment over at my place I thought I'd stop in and say hi.

*Tanyetta* said...

Waving to all my commenters! Thank you :)

p.s Ms. Detective how can I answer your questions if you don't leave your contact info! LOL

Mamapumpkin said...

It's ME!!! I'm from Malaysia!!!

Midori said...

Well I am in the UK now so maybe I am your UK visitor?! Might be someone else as well though! ;-)Checking out blog stats can become a bit of an obsession. I too get alot more visitors than comments.

Nikki Neurotic said...

I once did a blog post that mentioned pugs. You have NO idea how many hits to my blog I get looking for pugs.


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