Sunday, August 5, 2007

Just say thank you and keep it movin'

Conversation a few days ago!

Him: Hey Babe! ---You're looking skinny!

Me: Really? You think so, do you mean I look skinny now because I used to look fat before or do you mean to say, I look skinny and you're noticing that I'm not stuffing my face with crap like I used to. Do you mean I look skinny because I was super fat before and you didn't want to hurt my feelings and tell me I was fat. Or are you trying to say something else other than what you're saying?........

Him: Just say thank you and keep it movin'

Me: Oh, no He Diiihhh-ent!!!



Nikki Neurotic said...

Smile and move on, smile and move on. ;)

CreoleInDC said...


Anonymous said...

sounds like me.
sometimes when some random person says, you're looking gooood.
I think, oh so you think I've been looking bad huh?!!!

Atasha said...

See we women over-analyze everything. (My husband tells me that all the time) because I do it too.

If someone says, you look so nice today. Key word being today What are you saying did I look frumpy yesterday or the day before? We're nuts as women.....hehehehe

Michelle said...

ROFL! My husband says that to me too after I try to analyze what he's REALLY saying. ;)

Thanks for letting me know I won the book! I just emailed you. :)

D-dawg said...

This is funny! Just keep movin'. It is true we all need to work on just accepting the compliments we get.

Sheena @ Mommy Daddy Blog said...

lol, too funny

Quiskaeya said...

LOL! I can't stand when a compliment is followed by "today"! What does that mean??? Was yesterday different? Will tomorrow be something else???


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