Monday, August 27, 2007

Photo Sessions by Darrin-Part 2

Open House:

Photos by Darrin (DJ)

Question and answer time:

Them: Did you use a filter to obtain the hues?
DJ: NO, I just covered the flash partly with my index finger. It works wonders for the lighting wouldn't you agree?
Them: Do you have any favorite subjects you photograph?
DJ: Yes, my feet, basketball hoop out back, my moms ashy elbows, you name it, I photograph it.
Them: What camera are you currently using?
DJ: Oh any camera that I see around the house. Right now, I'm using my moms Canon Powershot, I prefer her Minolta XL but, it's too heavy!
Them: Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to answer our questions. We're looking forward to seeing more of your work.
DJ: Thank you! If you'd like to see more of my work check it out here!


Atasha said...

DJ I know you must be booked for the next couple of years but can you squeeze me in pleeeeeease
Also please send me your fees.

Hehehe..... of the kids in here got a hold of my beautiful P850 and now there is a crack at the bottom of my camera. I wonder how long my camera has until it stops working due to abuse

*Tanyetta* said...

@Atasha---Exactly!!! I am thinking of getting a little kick around type of camera just for him to play around with. He LOVES taking photos of everything. I was on the toilet one day and threatened him if he clicked a photo! He is so sneaky!~ LOL

Shai said...

That is so cute. LOL. You may have the next Gordan Parks on your hands. LOL. I know they have some kiddie cameras with the durable shell.

Jameil said...

hahahahahaha. i LOVE that he takes pics of your ashy elbows. they have some great kids cams. i don't have kids so i don't know the names but i think i saw them on the today show.

Jameil said...

oh yeah also i went to this photo gallery and someone was selling their pic of a public restroom hand dryer for $2000. yeah... betta get on that!

deepnthought said...

very cute.

Believer said...

The interviews mixed with the photos are too funny. However, it won't be that funny when the PowerShot breaks. My daughter broke my first one. Then I broke it the second time. I'm on my third camera!


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