Friday, August 3, 2007

Pugg That!

I am NOT an animal lover.
Edited to add: THIS confirms what I've been telling ya'll!!! Dogs are UNPREDICTABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's NO secret. I don't pretend to like animals. My favorite are the owners who swear up and down that their precious Rosco would NEVER harm a flea!

Don't get me wrong, I would NEVER kick your cat just don't expect me to be all happy to see your pets. I watch the Dog Whisperer all the time. I LOVE that show. But, it doesn't change my mind about animals. Dogs in particular. Cats?? Please don't even get me started on their sneaky behinds!!!!!!!!

Let's fast forward to what happened the other day at the park. I have come to realize that if you have a dislike your kids will almost always LOVE it.

My son LOVES DOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He will break his neck to say, "Hi Doggie, Hi Doggie, Mommy look at the Doggie!"
Urrgh!!! I cannot stand it!!! Then of course, I have to fake the -----ohhhh yes, i see the Doggie. Be careful don't touch the Doggie. Just wave hello!

We're at the park, and in comes this little girl with her Pug. My son throws his sand toys clear across the way to get over to this girl and her dog. My immediate reaction is to run after him, sweep him up and wash him down from all the licks the dog was giving him. The freaking dog was licking my son. YUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've been around pugs before and I've never known them to get violent around kids. But, then again, dogs are dogs, UNPREDICTABLE!

Now here I am hovering over my son praying this dog does NOT bite him and the little girl says, here you want to take him for a walk?

What do you think my son did?

Yup, you guessed it. Eagerly grabbed the leash and off they went!!! My son was so happy with the dog! I wish I had a closeup! Cheesing the entire time!!

I took a picture of it. Of course I did! I cringed the entire time but, smiled and tried to keep from freaking out. Once I figured out a way to get him away from the dog, I got him to the car, wiped him down and tried to send telepathy messages to him to stop liking dogs so much.

Well, it goes to show you, the one thing you HATE will probably be the same thing your kids will LOVE.

Before you send me hate mail or a photo of you and Rosco or long stories of how your pets are so good around animals, blah, blah---Please, DON'T.


Question: What's the one thing you cannot stand but, your kids LOVE?


Quiskaeya said...

I hate (is there a word stronger than hate cause i would use it) snakes! eeeeuuuuwwwwwww! Just as you guessed it, lil man wants one!

I totally feel you about NO ONE being able to convince me they are sweet harmless creatures! Geez since the dawn of time these animals have been screwing over mankind. lol

Anonymous said...

hahahahahha!!!! i loved that Ana! very very true! my fav is--oh, it's just a garden snake--he's HARMLESS! *sigh*

dc_speaks said...

lol...the one thing that i hate that my son loves is...the teenage boy groups like pretty ricky...

damn I hate that group....hahahaha

Shelliza said...

I don't hate dogs and cats but I just don't want one living in my house. My son is such an animal lover!! You name it, he loves it, dogs, cats, chickens, goats, cows. He got that from his father's side. I pray that the day doesn't come when he asks for a pet.

I don't like Barney or the Teletubbies, but he likes them, so I try to avoid turning on the tv during the time they're on.

D-dawg said...

I with you on the animal dislike and my kids are like DJ, totally obsessed! When they get licked I feel like puking.

Alexandra said...

I think I read somewhere that Pugs are very good dogs with children.

I'm a cat person. I love my cat, but he's a very Kool Kat. More like a dog, and very good with the children. And I don't have to take him out or wash him, easy.

Ann said...

I don't like cats and my husband is allergic to them anyway, so it shouldn't be a problem, right? WRONG!! My 4 year old daughter just LOVES kittens and cats and frequently asks me if we "can get a cat after we get rid of daddy?" Ummm, no, we can't. And daddy isn't going anywhere, so get used to it.
I used to like dogs. I grew up with dogs. I just don't have the patience for dogs anymore. I have enough to take care of with 3 kids. But we have 2 dogs, and one in particular gets on my last good nerve on a regular basis. Is it bad to wish the dog was sick enough to put down?? Yeah, I thought so too. :-(

*Tanyetta* said...

@DC--there's NOThing pretty about pretty ricky! that group hurts my eyes and ears but, you can' t beat that hook!!!~ LOL
@--shelliza--great point! hard to believe barney is still around~
@denea--haha! true!
@ann--you're so bad! i LOVE it :)

Anonymous said...

I'm with you on this one chica. I hate all pets except gold fish! PERIOD. I don't care how cute or nice or whatever lil RAMBO is....keep him the hell away from me.

My niece??? She loves cats, dogs, horses, every doggone thing. It just freaks me out.

Anonymous said...

This story just made me crack up! I hope his doggie love dies down soon so Mommy can relax.

Granny said...

He and Rochelle would get along. A friend has a Jack Russell who greets Rochelle by licking here. She loves it and him.

I'm more of a cat person. Much lower maintenance and I like their independence.

What do I hate that my kids love? The word "whatever".

KJ Family said...

I am the same way. Can't really stand animals, and of course my daughter LOVES the dogs, too! I'm always fearful when she's running toward a strange dog, so then I'm running after her, too. You just never know.

Sheena @ Mommy Daddy Blog said...

Aww Tanyetta, give the dang on animals a chance! lol

I was the only child, if I didn't have my birds, I'd be so lonely.

Sheena @ Mommy Daddy Blog said...

if I didn't have my birds, I'd be so lonely - as a child*


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