My favorite website has published a
Very interesting article.
Titled: Be a Blogger. Not a Writer.
To be honest, I have NO idea which category I fall under.
I know my writing makes any English Professor want to scratch their eyes out.
The reason I began blogging in the first place was to keep in touch with my family and friends.
Ever since this day, I've been really HOOKED on blogging. I've made some new friends along the way too. My husband will NEVER ever understand my reason for blogging. He swears the computer is my other boyfriend. Trust me, this is a cute laptop but, nothing compares to my Sweetie!
I am proud to say that I actually do at least 3 of the 7 items they listed:
.........describing seven habits of highly successful bloggers.
Write great content
Read other blogs
Link to other blogs
Leave comments on other blogs
Make contacts with other bloggers
Joining with a community
Investing in that community.
For those of you who have blogs that I have visited can attest to the fact that I leave TONS OF COMMENTS. I used to stress out over who's blog link I forgot to put on my blog then one day, I just deleted the entire blog roll. It was too much work. And you know what, it's not that serious.
So go on over and check out the article. Let me know what you think of it.
Question: Are you a blogger or a writer? Is there really a difference?
What are your reasons for blogging/writing?
Because...? You've got me curious.
I'm a blogger.
I'm a blogter! That's right. There's enough of both of them in me to just try to make it all work out - then we shake out whatever is left and put that in a journal. (lol) Just smiling and feeling blessed that you came to visit my blog!
Stay in touch....and I'll let you know my publication date for the never ending novel that should already be published!
Hey now, you changed your entry and I didn't get to find out the rest of the story!;)
I did the same with the blogroll...too many wonderful blogs to choose from, so I use Bloglines now. Much easier to visit multiple blogs with my slow dial-up!
I'm both, and love every moment of it! Interesting about removing the blogroll. I find them helpful though sometimes I search by comments as well. I just deleted my “feature posts of others” as it was too time consuming. So your point is well noted!
I am a blogger. I started blogging to keep friends/family in other countries up to date on my life in Japan but in the end, it became more like therapy for me!
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