Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Target or Nordstroms

Question: Target or Nordstroms?
Where do you shop? And what do you shop for?

If you choose Nordstroms, please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! explain to me why. Please. Thanks.


Lissete said...

Macy's too when they have a good sale, never retail!
Nordstrom's never! I don't need someone playing a baby grand for me while I shop for over priced items!

Keelah said...

Target...cuz I can usually find exactly what I am looking for at a reasonable price. I do peruse higher end stores from time to time...but mostly just to have an idea of how the other half lives. I cant pay too much for certain things. I'm much more functional than lavish...hopefully that will change one day tho...I have an extravagant alter ego that begs to be expressed. :)

Me, Myself, and I said...

Target..cuz the prices are reasonable. I tend to stick to stores I particularly like. "If it ain't broke don't fix it." I've been in Nordstroms before, but never felt compelled to buy anything.

Raquel said...

...makes me happy just typing it... don't get me wrong, Target is great. But Nordstroms has the cutest shoes on the planet all in one store and the best cafe with cheap yet healthy food. I try jeans on everywhere but end up buying them from Nordstroms everytime. That's all..

p.s. they only have classical pianists at the big sales

Anonymous said...

i know thats right @ lissete

Tania said...

Tar-jay baby! I visit there about once a week and we're getting one less than 5 minutes from where I live, I'm in trouble!
I don't buy their clothes too much though cause they fit me funny. For clothes I usually shop Macy's and Ann Taylor loft.

Mieke said...

Both places. Target, Baby Gap, and Old Navy for the kids' stuff but Nordstrom, Gap, or Banana for me. In adult clothes you get what you pay for. I've bought shirts for myself at Target that look like crap after 10 washes - not so with the Nordstrom/Banana/Gap items. I am selective about what I buy where.

Believer said...

Target! Never Nordstrom's except for my MAC makeup.

Anonymous said...

LOL! I can see if you are like Target or Walmart or Nordstroms or Saks. These days I am barely making it to Target so you know Nordstroms is WAAAAYYY out of the question. I like department stores but Nordstroms is not really one of my favorites anyway.


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