Saturday, September 29, 2007

The WAP--fun times~

We went to the Wild Animal Park last month. If you've never been, you really should take the family. It's a fun-filled day. Don't worry, you'll get used to the smell of Elephant Poop!


Believer said...

Y'all have good times together. Love the pics!

FYI: I clicked on the slideshow and went right to the hosting URL. Hey did you know your pics are public. I read somewhere crazy people were using kids pics from such sites for other uses.

JayJayGhatt said...

i love the san diego zoo. i went there once and found the animals were so well trained and posed for photographs. was this your experience?

great pics.

okay, rosemarie just scared the crap out of me. i'm off to make private all my flick photos. later!

Shelly- Mom Files said...

Great photos, looks like a lot of fun! What is a good animal park without the poopy smell? LOL!!

Jenna Harris said...

My hubby and I went over 10 years ago on our honeymoon. I'm trying to convince him to take our kids (we'll have 5 by then) next summer for our family vacation.

Thanks for the ammo about how fun it is!

Jameil said...



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