Many of you already will agree. My son LOVES arts and crafts. He gets joy out of the simplest of crafts. I find myself just making a craft time out of scraps just so he can use way more glue than he needs and the day he learned to use scissors was the most exciting time of his life.
Today, I'm going to participate in the Rocks in my Dryer-Works for me Posts.
Instead of paintbrushes, I use Q-tips. It makes set and clean up time a BREEZE!
When he's done with creating a masterpiece, We grab the baby wipe that we've already used to wipe his hands with 50 million times with. Toss all the used Q-Tips in the wipe and toss!
So there you have it. As long as they sell 500 count Q-Tips at the Dollar Tree, I'm never using paintbrushes until he's old enough to become picky about staying inside the lines or wanting a fine tip brush to paint with.
Q-Tips instead of Paintbrushes works for me any day of the week! Hope this tip helps someone out there in blog land.
Question: Do you have any cool tips to share?
Hey, that's a great idea!! I'll have to try it. This will eliminate me having to hunt and find paintbrushes too. Thanks for the tip!
this is a great idea.
my niece and I draw faces on popsicle sticks and I make little dresses out of scrap material.
That is a cool idea with the q-tips. Never thought of that.
Love the Q-tips. I'll try it with my granddaughters. For clean-up on tables, I recommend "Mr. Clean Magic Eraser". It's a little sponge loaded with some magical formula. It gets crayon or ballpoint ink off of my white work tables which have a textured surface. I no longer worry about coloring or painting outside the lines -- or off the paper!! (My friends and family look at me like I've fallen out of a tree when I say this...believe me, it's out of character for me. I am an accomlished "messy", not a neatnick...but I LOVE getting crayon off of white textured tables with a simple sweep of the damp sponge!!)
I will be sure to read all your archives so I know what to do when I have my baby! I like the cotton swab idea.
For a quick project on paper at my daughter's table it would work great, but we've already advanced to the easel with large white paper, paint cups, and big brushes. Thanks for the tip!
Agreed, I love using Qtips with the kids. They do too, it's easier for them to control than a big awkward brush.
What a cutie!! Happy ww.
He sure has created a piece of work. My kids love arts and crafts as well. I love the idea of q tips. very clever.
Hmmm That's a great idea. I just hope my son doesn't decided to put the paint laden q-tips in his ears. LOL!!
I use q-tips for paint too. I use them for gluing stuff too. I put a small pool of glue on a paper plate and then the boys can dip the q-tip in the glue and spread it where they need it. :o)
Great shot of your little one being creative!
great tip! Wish I'd thought of it with my older two LOL
That is a great tip! Q-tips are much more economical with our 6 children than paintbrushes. Thanks for sharing.
He looks so creative!
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