Monday, October 22, 2007

Grilled Shish Ka Bobs--The non-deceptively delicious way!

Birthday Grilled Shish Ka Bobs!!

DJ: Are these red peppers?
Me: Yes, they're peppers, aren't they yummy?
DJ: No, I don't like red peppers.
Me: Yes, you like red peppers remember we sampled them at the farmer's market?
DJ: Farmer's Market?
Me: Yes, Farmer's Market. See, they're really yummy! Try it.

Needless to say, DJ ate so many of these; his belly is bulging out!

This is my version of deceptively delicious. The non deceptive way of course!

There's been so much hype of this new book. I am NOT knocking the book. Hey, whatever works. I have a feeling if I were to try and slip spinach in my son's brownie he would go on a nap strike. Oh wait, he already does that.

These Grilled Shish Ka Bobs were a hit. Simple and easy to make and yummy to eat! Very delish! NO deception needed.

DJ: Daddy are you drinking wine? Is that wine?
Daddy: (Trying to avoid the question.) So, did you have fun at the park today?
DJ: It smells like wine.


Rick said...

Looks gooood. I'll be over for super.

Thanks for the kind remarks on my blog.

Tania said...

Those looks sooo good! me want some.

Aly Cat 121 said...

this is the 2nd time I've heard of that book today. other than that, I never heard of it.

Kellan said...

I love shish-k-bobs and those do look yummy. See ya.

Quiskaeya said...

Oh those kabobs look so scruptious! Looks like ones I get at the middle eastern restaurant! Yummo!

Quiskaeya said...

Ohhhhh...Happy Birthday DJ!!

Sheena @ Mommy Daddy Blog said...

Ooo those look so good! Kids tickle me when they say "I don't like that" just because of the way it looks or before even tasting it. Greg is that way, I've snuck many things in his food that he said he didn't like and he actually likes them, bwahaha!

Jenna Harris said...

OOOO! I want something grilled, but it's getting to cold here. I may have to send my hubby out into the weather and do some kabobs.

Anonymous said...

Looks delicious!
It was always a challenge to distract or change the subject with our boys too...
The little boogers.

Shelly- Mom Files said...

I am cracking up about the wine! LOL!!!! DJ is a mess!

Believer said...

That boy is on to you both!


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