Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Spider Man showed up!

Remember this?

I could NOT believe my eyes! Spider man pajama sets were on sale at Kohl's for $6.00. The original price: $26.00 for a 2 piece pajama set. I love the clearance sections! I go there FIRST!

He was so excited to see his new pajama set.

What a perfect surprise and at the best price!

Overall my son had a blast for his birthday! He's 3 now. I am excited about this new adventure! Please Please Please tell me, the tantrums are all behind us now.


Shelly- Mom Files said...

Well, even if the tantrums linger a little longer, at least you can count on your telemarketer answering service!!! I love the Spidey PJs! I LOVE Kohls!!!

Jenna Harris said...

I have a 5-year-old that I'm still waiting for tantrums to end, but my older two kids were pretty controlled by 3 or 3.5. GOOD LUCK!

Shelliza said...

That's a great deal. I couldn't believe how expensive PJs were. We don't have Kohls here so I try to buy them whenever they're a sale.

I'm dealing with tantrums, too. It's so exhausting!

Believer said...

Love the clearance racks too. Our tantrums have just begun!

Sheena @ Mommy Daddy Blog said...

Gotta love Kohl's! I run to the clearance racks 1st always!


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