an open letter to people that send me forwarded emails.
hey everybody!
i need your input,
i'm drafting an automatic email response to people that send me those forward/joke/come to my party where i sell all types of stuff that you don't really want or need type of emails.
here's the rough draft. let me know what i should add or change. thanks.
dear _____________:
please~~~~~~~take my name off your mailing list right now. unless you're going to send personal emails that say hi, to see how i'm doing, updates of your family, you know, important stuff that i actually care to know about, please~!!!!!!!!!!!!! stop sending me these freaking emails right now!!!!!!!!!
i'm in a bad mood today and i think i'm going to be in an ever badder (is this a word) mood all this week. i cannot be held accountable for what i will do or say if i get ONE more of those forwarded (joke, spam, enter to win $100 from bill gates) emails from you again.
oh and noooooooooooo i don't want to go to any of your parties where there's NO selling pressure either. if i'm interested in any of these types of parties i know your number, i'll be sure to call.
Question: Am I the only one that hate these types of emails?????????
Nooooo! You're not the only one. Just today I got a chain letter from a person I hadn't heard from in a long time. Also, I hate when people forward me their jokes/funny email. Sometimes I feel like replying, " Ha! Ha! I didn't find it funny and don't send me anymore of these fucking emails. Thank you. Have a nice day."
When you hammer it out, I'd like a copy... :) I HATE them!!!
Add something in there about "and here's the link for the Amber alert so you can check before forwarding on the OMG LOOK FOR THIS KID (who's been at home eating Cherrios for the last 4 years, safe and sound) AND here's the address to so you can check out whatever other shit you think is uber important for me read.
heather---sho nuff!!!!!
LOL AT DAWN---tell us how you really feel :) i love it
No, your'e not! I get these damn things all the time at work..I just delete them...get on my damn nerves..I just had to tell folks.."Stop sending me these damn emails. I want to know something about you; not this crap. You know I'm your friend and love you. I don't have to tell you every day!"
"Hell, I don't have to prove it by sending this crap to more people!"
Lol, good thing I don't get those anymore. My friends don't email me.
I guess you wouldn't be interested in coming to my Girl's Nite Out party if I EVER had one, lmao!
Oh and if I lived in Cali, lol.
No you certainly aren't the only one. I need to get some balls to send a similar response but most are coming from my brother's wife so that would be mean, or maybe not.
Once she sent me some garbage I emailed her back telling her have you researched this because it's not true. So replied and said no and that she didn't even read it she was just forwarding it. WHAT? So if she doesn't read it then why send it to me?
I am going to create a rule in outlook express so that anything coming from her goes straight to the trash. And that will be back
NO. this girl got seriously OFFENDED b/c i told her i hate forwards and to stop sending them to me!! she actually used it as a time to let me know everything she couldn't stand about me. i pretty much told her she didn't have to worry abt me anymore. extreme right? geez. i don't want to read your you hate Jesus if you don't pass this or if we're friends, send this back crap. I DON'T CARE!!! Jesus is not checking to see whether or not I forwarded that email. He cares about my heart! Go sit down somewhere!
I hate those forwards, it's probably best to let whomever sends those right away...but be nice about it. Just be like, hey, I appreciate that you have my email in your address book but I'd appreciate if you skip me when sending out forwards.
oh yeah and T don't forget the ones where they email you about how to get a larger ding a ling! WTF I'm a chick not a tranie. No offense to those who are!
Ha,ha! I REALLY dislike when those forward notes that tell you to forward it to 10 friends to show you care or prove you love Jesus.
I suggest that you don't say that you are making the request because you are moody. Who ever you send it to may think your emotions are the problem, not their notes.
I agree with the last comment from silverneurotic that you try to be nice about it. Your point may be better recieved and with less drama.
Well, there are only a few who still forward me. Some of it I like, but most I read like years ago when I first went online. is a great resource for forwarded alerts etc.
Keep in mind most of the free world blogs, and emailing doesn't hold the same weight for communication as it once did.
Not only was your letter funny, but the responses were just as good!
No, I hate them too!!! Whether it is Pampered Chef, Mary Kay or the over the top Jesus mail (no disrespect) I get so sick of it! I may cut and paste your letter! LOL!! Put DJ on 'em!
I don't get them anymore cuz I've cussed everyone out that used to send em. :)
i am appalled when i get them from seemingly educated people. now the ditzy dingbat friend. she has no brain cells so she is excused, but the friend who's a veteran attorney. come on...
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