Friday, October 12, 2007

Starbucks at 5:30am

Here's what happened to my husband at Starbucks this morning!

scene--5:30am Albertson's Starbucks Counter

Him: Orders his drink
Her: Can I have your name?
Him: My name? Why? The place is empty.
Her: I know but, just in case it gets packed, so I won't get your drinks mixed up.
Him: Mixed up with who????? The place is empty. Will it fill up in the 5 seconds it will take to make my drink? Are you serious?
Her: Yes. May I have your name please?
Him: Mike....--Money Mike

>>>>>>His name is Darrin.<<<<<<<

Haaaahaaahaaaah! I LOVE that guy! He cracks me up!

He didn't find any humor in any of this. I'm sorry but, I almost bust a rib laughing so hard. 
Can I have your name? It might get crowded!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG! Stop it now.

**Thank you Sweetie (Money Mike) for getting up early every single day to take care of our family**


dawn224 said...

heh, he could have used IP Freely, or any of the other really mature options too :)

Mamapumpkin said...

Yeesh. I've had that before. It's EEEEEERRRRREEEEEEEtating. Yish. I'm glad he didn't give her is real name. Just becuz!!!

Raquel said...

ohmygoodness. that's just craziness. but at least Mike Money was there to keep you company...

Atasha said...

Ha funny as heck! I would have fallen on the floor laughing, yes in the store.

Quiskaeya said...

LOL at your hubby! Too funny! It could get packed in 5 seconds - give me a break.

Jameil said...

hahahaha. i don't do starbucks-- i don't like coffee. lmao @ money mike.

Anonymous said...

Gosh, I would have paid a dollar or two to hear them yell out, "White Chocolate Mocha for Money Mike!" Too funny!

Sheena @ Mommy Daddy Blog said...

LOL your husband is unintentionally funny! You're gonna have to show up with him next Friday at 5:30am and bust a cap at missy!

ThriftyMommy said...

That's funny. My husband is silly like that too.

You can tell them your name is Wilma I. Ball.

Nikki Neurotic said...

I don't think they've ever asked for my name at Starbucks, even when it's crowded.

Shelly- Mom Files said...

that is wild, I love it Money Mike!!!

Believer said...

He's a comedian! Where's his next gig? Is he on YouTube yet?

Anonymous said...

LOL! Did the person actually call out Money Mike?


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