I'd like to highlight my favorite educational blog for children (ages 0-5) today!
Little Fun; Little Learning
I love love love this website.
When I need some really fun, quick and easy to implement ideas for toddler learning and fun, I always go to this site first!
Today's craft was Shapes and Transportation. This post inspired this craft.
DJ made a train using the square, rectangles and circles.
We reviewed the traffic light signals and what each color means. We all know my son's idea of a good time in traffic but, I was sure to remind him that the signs are very important and we must obey them when we're driving in the car.
He was so proud of himself.
Our playgroup had a nature walk at the park yesterday and the kids had a great time!
They collected leaves, berries and a few bugs for their craft. Fun Times!

Again, thank you Little Fun, Little Learning for always posting really fun, quick and easy to follow ideas for the journey of learning for Toddlers!
Tanetta, Thank you so much for the kind words. I'm glad you're enjoying the site. Let me know if you need any help with more ideas.
OOOH- we love to find info like this- that is why blogging is so much fun! Thank you so much for sharing!
kari and kijsa
Thanks Tanyetta! I've added this blog to my bloglines. What a great idea for a blog!
My oldest(age 9 now) and I used DLTK.com, and I see she has that site listed. We had such fun with the letter people from DLTK. I saved them in a folder...great memories, and now I'll get to do it again with my two year old. I think I like it as much, if not more than the little ones. ;)
Thanks for sharing!
okay...you are freakin me out with all this good mom stuff you do. You mean I have to go through all this all over again! HELP!!!! I will have to revisit the archives when I need some new teaching material.
I need a donut now...sigh :(
Are you planning on Home Schooling DJ? If so, you'd be great at it! :)
We're not home! Daddy teached me! LOL! DJ is great. I agree with RoseMarie, homeschool him!
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