Friday, November 2, 2007

Flashback Friday-Part 3

Welcome to Flashback Friday-Week 3
Circa: 1987
Father and Daughter
A truly beautiful sight to behold.


Shelly- Mom Files said...

Tanyetta, do y'all ever age?
You need to bottle whatever it is you guys are taking and make millions!! Look at baby Danyelle, makes me all emotional.

Quiskaeya said...

Sheliza took the words right outta my mouth! Serious, Lady do YA'LL eva AGE? No I'm not jealous, just want the secret and alls good! HA! Sweet daddy-daughter pix!

Dr Thandi aka Lady Tee aka Myeoncé said...

I am such a sucka for pictures of baby girls with their daddies. how adorable.

Shai said...

I agree with Sheliza and Ana.

It is such a beautiful sight to see when a man takes care of his child.

Diva's Thoughts said...

I love the father/daughter pics.

This one is so darn cute.

Lissete said...

So cute! But what was it with the deco scissors? I was just taking all my pics out of those awful picture eating sticky albums last night, and 1/2 my older pics (circa 1983-90)are all cut up. Either deco scissors or weird crooked shapes!

Believer said...


“Who's your daddy?”
“He da man!”

Tom_Gurl said...

Awww....soooo sweet! i do love father/daughter pics....too cute!

Tania said...

Beautiful pictures Tanyetta!

Jenna Harris said...

I love pics of Daddy's and their babies! There are few things so precious.

I am tagging you to write 6 random things that most people don't know about you. Good luck!

Aly Cat 121 said...

1987! Girl don't make me brake out my New Edition. Or my Too Live Crew (yes I did like Luther Campbell aka Luke SkyWalker) LOL

Sheena @ Mommy Daddy Blog said...

Where are you hiding the fountain of youth?

Awwww! I didn't have hair as a baby :-(.

Anonymous said...

oh - daddy looks so much like my future husband (and hopefully future daddy soon!!) I actually teared up in excitement. So handsome and adorable!!!


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