When you saw the post title, did you know right away what I was referring to?
Question: Did you ever take typing in school? Do you know how fast you type now?
Click HERE to take the test! Feel free to post your results. I'm embarrassed to say, I'm 60 wpm! My typing teacher would faint if she saw this!
I'm sitting here typing and thought to myself how do I remember the home row keys.
I took typing in school but, that was years ago. I learned to type on a Selectric. Stop it if you're laughing at me right now.
Why would I laugh? I unfortunately feel your pain. I was taught on the same freakin typewriter! I hated having to keep my nails short for that class and since they are long now, I won't even attempt that test! :)
asdf jkl; It was like learning your abcs. LOL
I will never tell my score. I am sad! :( It is fun though! Chardonnay got 115 wpm last year in her typing class, excuse me, keyboarding class. She thinks I am old timey when I call it typing. I can't compete!
I took the test, and I typed 71! Not bad, I guess..although it was much higher when I took my class; which was almost ten years ago.
the best i could get was 53 wpm. i never took a typing class...obviously
Between 50-60 wpm. I took the test several times. Depends on if I backspace to correct a wrong letter.
PS I learned on the same in school.
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