Thursday, November 8, 2007

It's not like it was Gin and Juice

Scene: Indoor playground area
DJ and I are sitting at the snack tables and as usual, the tables are filled with other moms and kids. No problem. I can mix and mingle.

Here's where things got a little ummmmmm.....

Me: Is anyone sitting here?
Her: No, it's free. You can sit there.
*we're having small talk--what's your kids name, age, you know the usual*

Then I pull out DJ's lunch
Turkey Sandwich
Cheese Stick
Cherry Tomatoes
Juice Box

Then she busts out with:

I don't allow my daughter to drink Juice.


After that, the conversation just went downhill.

What was the purpose of her telling me this? Did she want to rub in my face that her kid was drinking from a water bottle?

Rosemarie over at Miscellaneous Matters posted about Motherhood!

I wish I had this quick comeback today! Oh how lovely it would have been to say this with gusto and pride.

"This is ME doing motherhood!"

Instead, I just said, OK. Yes, all I could come up with was, OK. Then I sat there and ate in silence and tried to ignore the 'perfect' mom sitting across from me.

It's not like my son was drinking Gin and Juice.


Question: What do you feed your kids for lunch?


Musings of a Housewife said...

LOL!!! Seriously? That's hilarious. I mean, awkward. But really. What the heck did she expect you to say to that??? It's juice. It's not mountain dew or Coke. Good grief!

Atasha said...

You should have said really quick, "kiss my ass woman! Who asked you anyway" I swear some of these know.

Ahem, anyway, you are way too nice and polite to use that language and I probably wouldn't have said it either but I would have been thinking it.

I take boxed juice for my kids all the time. Okay so the box says, "unsweetened" and claims to nothing but apple juice, so I think it's not that bad right?

Believer said...

Thanks for the shout out!

I might have said, "My daughter doesn't drink juice. She doesn't drink cows milk either." to keep the conversation flowing. Would that be offensive?

That mom's "I don't allow..." statement was such a dig.

Please feel free to steal what I'm claiming anytime!

angie said...

Tanyetta! That lady is annoying and rude! DJ's lunch is SO healthy. My kids don't eat cherry tomatoes! Juice is fine. Some people these days... please!

Anonymous said...

I really hate Mums like that because they always make me feel like my mothering choices are wrong but at the end of the day, they are the right ones for my family so I try and remember that. Joey drinks juice. In Japan it was really hard to find anything for him to drink that wasn`t filled with e-numbers so I tended to stick to water or 100% juice. (sometimes watered down) I have no idea why the woman felt the need to comment on your lunch choice for DJ but it sounds perfectly healthy and actually in the UK now, alot of juices for kids have stuff like "one of your five a day" written on them as they contain pure fruit juice so I always think "Well at least Joey is getting some vitamins".

Melissa Angert {All Things Chic} said...

GOod grief! Its just juice! And its not like you're feeding it to a baby or something.

Whatever. My kids drink juice all the time and sometimes... even non-organic juice! GASP! I KNOW! Someone report me!

Melissa Angert {All Things Chic} said...

And THANKS! Now I can't stop singing 'Gin and Juice'

with my mind on my money and my money on my mind....

Shelliza said...

That's the reason I can't deal with the playdate/mom scene. I can't stand the comparison and competition.

I would have said, "Good for you". Connor doen't eat a lot of things but that doesn't mean that our way is right or vice versa. Some of these moms are so full of shit!

Miss Snarky Pants said...

You should have told her that--that would have been NICE to know...PROVIDED YOU ACTUALLY ASKED!!!

hmpff...WHAT NERVE!!!

Jameil said...

so WHAT!!! i also don't think there was anything wrong w/your response. you don't have to act up b/c she doesn't know how to act. BUT "me doing motherhood" is a good response, too. she did need to be put in her place. if you see her again and she says something off the wall, let her know. this isn't about you. you don't let your kid drink juice now, but the things you keep them from become the things they're obsessed with and have to have when they're not around you. you start with juice, and then it goes where. i'm not sayin her kid's gonna be a crackhead, but the keeping your kids away from stuff has to make some sort of sense.

deepnthought said...

ok... wow... I let the kids drink juice because it keeps them away from pops. Someone tell the full time auntie/nanny whats wrong with juice.

Shelly- Mom Files said...

That poor kid is stuck drinking water. I would have said to her "that's nice for you and your child". I guess it was good you held your tongue.

Dr Thandi aka Lady Tee aka Myeoncé said...

I didn't realize mothering has become a competitive sport.
Juice makes me happy now. It made me happy when I was a kid. I have joyful memories of those cute little juice boxes. :)
I bet her kid won't have happy memories of drinking water!!!!!!!! So there!

chelsea said...

I have a canned response to perfect moms:

"Girl, please! I have 5 kids ages 10 years to 3 months and a job. The way I see it, they're lucky to get anything to eat on any given day. As long as the doctor continues to be happy with their progress, I'm happy too!"
I may start to insert the "this is me doing motherhood after the "girl, please" I really like that.
And how in the heck do you get your kid to eat cherry tomatoes? I could never be that obvious with healthy food with my kids. Kudos to you!!!

Raquel said...

HA! My kids are lucky if I give them something WITH their PBJ (the ones still at home) and juice! Fauggetabowt cheese and cherry tomatoes!

What are my priorities as a mom?

That my kids turn out NICE. That they don't demean or ridicule others through either their actions or their words. This isn't to say that we have cake for breakfast at that my kids are all obese - but food matters SMALL small when compared to our true purposes as mothers.

Ya with me?

Anonymous said...

LOL--that is truly funny! I wonder if it was one of those open mouth, insert foot moments for her or thinking out loud? Seriously, my kids would die without juice! They have been even known to sip a little diet soda now and then too!

Sounds like a great lunch to me!!

Jenna Wood said...

I can't believe the woman said that. Even Dr. Oz on Oprah said juice is good for you, better than diet soda despite the calories, because it's full of nutrients!

I think I would have responded with, "So how many kids do you have?"

Especially when a mom is obviously younger than I am, it's often a good reminder that what was uber important with your first kid is less of a big deal with successive ones.

Tania said...

People do this to me all the time but instead of food it's about my daughters pierced ears. You would think that I mutilated her or something...geez, mind your own biznass!!! I always feel like saying to them "who the hell cares about what "you" do in your family!" "do I look like your family?"...

I never did understand why people care about what others are allowing their kids to do (if it's not hurting them), and the need to comment.

Erica Bunker said...

I'm such a shyt starter... I would said, "And your point is"? I have three kids... what the hellz is wrong with juice?? Last I heard, kids were *SUPPOSE* to have Vitamin C, right? That chick is a wanna-be ALPHA MOM... pay her no mind. I've been known to pour Pepsi into a sippy cup to shut mine up and my kids are good and healthy!

Me, Myself, and I said...

What the hellz? Do I need to come to Cali and Rep for you? Girl, just gimeda sign! I'm there. You too nice to be going off on folks, so I'd gladly pull out the Rattler and handle dat fu ya!

Ain't nothing wrong with DJ having juice. There's something wrong with her, though.

Anonymous said...

I was salivating just thinking about DJ's lunch, lol. As for the mom, I would've just laughed and looked at her like she was pitiful.

D-dawg said...

WOW I am so surprised by that comment. Who's kid doesn't drink a little juice box? C'mon. And besides what's with the judging others? DJ's lunch was much better than Macey's lunch today I'll tell you that. Good job mommy, you are doing FINE!

Granny said...

Tanyetta, for crying out loud, it's juice and only one box at that.

I used to buy it for picnics and outings because it was simple to do. The girls' teeth are almost perfect.

I'm a believer in moderation. I'm also a believer in choices. If it doesn't rise to the level of abuse, it's none of my business (unless I'm asked).

Sheena @ Mommy Daddy Blog said...


It would be funny if you had his juice in a sippy cup, and it just happened to be v8 veggie juice.

Her: I don't allow my kid to drink juice.
You: Not even vegetable juice?
Her: *speechless*

Alright I don't know what kid would like veggie juice, but hey this is make believe, lol. The v8 splash is delicious though.

Why the war over parenting? Jeeze. What a snob.

Aly Cat 121 said...

Hell my kids don't even get lunch, so I guess I woulda really been in trouble. LOL

ThriftyMommy said...

Cherry tomatoes? My kids won't eat tomatoes! Sounds like you had a good, healthy variety for him. Some people are just crazy!!!!!

Sylvie said...

Girl you have GOT to be kidding me! SO What she doesn't let her kid drink juice, you should have sad SO! No you know what you should have said "Actually it's Gin and Juice" She probably would have had a heart attack if you would have given him a cookie.
Sounds like Gav's typical lunch. He loves tomatoes and turkey also. I probably would have packed him a cookie or two also.

Shellie said...

Looks like a pretty good lunch to me. You are doing a great job! Don't worry about people who actually think they can say this kind of stuff. I have found that even if I did say something, they would be so cluless they wouldn't hear it anyway.


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