Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Congratulations on your Graduation

Congratulations to my Sweetie! We are so proud of you!

He graduated from Central Texas University*. He worked so hard to accomplish this outstanding achievement. Those long weekend and late night study sessions really paid off!

Click on the video! I tried to snap a photo of his diploma exchange but, the video says it all!

You know I was snapping photos, all in the audience
clapping and yelling, that's my BOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-haha!

Look at DJ-He's his daddy's #1 fan!

Look at DJ and his buddy! They're waiting for their daddy's to graduate!

The gold ropes are for honor students! I'm just sayin'--Hah!

On our way to celebrate daddy's graduation!

Dinner at Outback Steakhouse!

I taught DJ to say: "Congratulations on your Graduation Daddy" ---Now, DJ wants to graduate. He kept talking about graduating from school and wearing a jacket like Daddy!

That's right. Set a good example for your children and they will follow.

*Satellite School hosted at Camp Pendleton


Dianne's Dishes said...

That's awesome! Way to go!

What is his degree in?

Anonymous said...

WhooHooo. Alright, your hubby be doing the dang thing!!

Adrienne said...

That is so awesome! Congrats!

Babz Rawls Ivy said...

Your celebration made me very happy! Black Love is alive an well and living in Texas!

Erica Bunker said...

Congrats to your husband!

Fergie said...

That is AWESOME!!! A great accomplishment.

Sylvie said...

Conrats to DJ's Daddy!

D-dawg said...

That is a huge accomplishment. Congrats to all of you!

D-dawg said...

p.s. maybe I'm just hungry but thinking about eating at outback and looking at that picture made me so hungry!!

Tania said...

Congratulations! wonderful accomplishment!

IAD said...


Shai said...

Congrats to your Hubby!

Shelly- Mom Files said...

Go daddy!!! Congrats on your enormous accomplishment! You are indeed an excellent role model for your son. God bless you and keep being the great parent and husband you are to your beautiful family.

Okay, now the pregnant mama wants some Outback!!!

Believer said...

Congratulations! Oh, I love me some Outback. Have you tried their mushroom appetizer? Shoot, I'm hungry now!

Granny said...

That's wonderful. Please give him my congratulations!!

Jameil said...

yay!! congrats!

Anonymous said...


Kayla said...

Congrats!!! That's what's up! Being a service member, I'm so proud, because I know it aint easy to do...I gets mine next year. Yeah!!! LOL

Alexandra said...

Congrats! Not so easy working and going to school! I know he is glad to have that done.

CreoleInDC said...


I miss soooooooo much when I'm busy! Humph!

Sheena @ Mommy Daddy Blog said...

Aww I can't wait for Greg's day! Aww Jayden will be 2!

That's my boooo!


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