Saturday, December 8, 2007

Helping your toddler to become independent

I have control issues. There, I said it.

I have come to the realization that my son is very very very strong willed and he isn't the kind of kid that appreciates my control issues.

His newest fascination is getting himself dressed from head to toe. Yes, you read that correctly. He wants to pick out his own clothes and get himself dressed. In the beginning it was cute.

When he was younger, sandals with socks were cute! Cringe!

Now that he's getting older, it's hard to get him to wear what I think he should wear without a fight.

I learned a really cool thing! Compromise! Yes, I know many people will say, he's 3! How the heck do you compromise with a 3 year old? You're his momma, he needs to do what you tell him to do.

Well, as much as I agree with this, and for the most part, I live by this creed, I've found that it hurt our relationship more than it helped. So, one day I decided to re-arrange his clothes and set them up as outfits in his clothes drawers. I organized his closet the same way. Instead of the shoes in the bottom of the closet, they're in bins and organized very nicely.

Here's an example of what they will look like in the dresser drawers. I put socks, t-shirts and underwear with the outfits too!

This way when he goes to get dressed, there are MATCHING outfits and they are always on point! This also helps when Daddy and big sister gets him dressed too!

These are shirts that I hang up in the closet and all they have to do is grab a pair of jeans to mix and match. He wears hats mostly everyday too so, I put the hats up on the top shelf of the closet and the plastic bins for easy storage of his shoes.

And this is a peek into his closet:

I rotate the outfits at the beginning of each week to switch up the patterns. It's been working like a charm. I think mostly because, he was with me in the room, helping me sort through clothes that he could no longer fit, and the best part, he was a part of the process, he was in on the fun! He knows which drawers are which. He knows the drawers for his pajamas and so on.

Now, when it's time to get dressed, I no longer have to cringe or squawk at what he has chosen to wear.

When Grandma came to visit she said DJ had a lot of clothes and shoes. Enough for more than one kid. Maybe I'm in denial. I honestly don't think he has a lot of clothes and shoes. Maybe he does. Grandmas are always right. I can't argue with that.

But, then again, buying clothes for kids is very addictive and one should never go down that road without a game plan. Always buy great quality clothes that are on sale. I rarely ever buy clothes that are full priced.
And I never let the kids play outside in their 'good' clothes. Especially not for a kid who's favorite activity is doing something like this on a daily basis.



Raquita said...

I LOVE YOUR SYSTEM, and I think I am gonna use it. Thanks - Cammy and my husband have such a time picking out her clothes that at least once a week I have to go - ummmm.. she can't wear that. HA! and she has a grown man participating!
I think he has a fine amount of clothes, somepeople would tell you too much and some would say too few.. It all depends on who you talkin to.

Anonymous said...

I often say to my Hubby...
remember when we controlled what they'd wear?
Mind you, they don't really wear anything outrageous but once in a while I'd like to pick out what they wear instead of a Milwaukee Brewers T-Shirt and a pair of jeans with holes in 'em!
I almost fainted recently when Joel (my middle son) showed up to a celebration we were having in very very non dress clothes type outfit. (I wonder if it was considered casual even)?!
I'm learning though...I did not say a word. I was just glad he was there!

I love your posts!
Have a fabulous Saturday!

Anonymous said...

That is a great concept!! When I have a kid, I am sending him to you until he turns five then I will come back and get him. LOL

Anonymous said...

Great idea for a strong-willed kid--I have one of those too! Our issue is shoes though :-( He always wants to wear the shoes that DO NOT go with the outfit of the day.

Jameil said...

lol. yes, dj has a lot of clothes. but he looks so fabulous!!! plus moms always think you have too many clothes and shoes. mine does anyway.

Believer said...

Excellent! You've gone in and around the psyche of a toddler who is finding out he has choices. I commend your system, and will be implementing it as soon as my daughter moves in the direction of wanting to dress herself.

angie said...

Wow! What a great system you have going on! I bet DJ feels so proud getting dressed by himself! I think it's neat that you realized that the clothes issue was affecting your relationship with DJ and than you got creative and now everyone is happy! What a great Mommy!!

Jenna Wood said...

I NEED this system. On Tuesday I slept in while Wendell got the kids off to school. When they came home my 8-year-old daughter was wearing purple stretch pants (one size too small) and a burgundy shirt. It was awful!

Will you come to my house and organize all 5 of my kids closets? LOL!

Anonymous said...

Tanyetta,you are such a wise mommy. I wish I had half your smarts when I was your age.

Sis. Hardy

Sylvie said...

I think this is a GREAT idea. You know I am going to copy it. Thank GOd I dont have to worry about it during the week (Gav wears a uniform to school now) but it will help for weekend. What's up with these strong will 3 year old (well mine is almost 3 years old) boys??

You are so right about the buying kids clothes being addictive. I buy him so many, when I went back to work I realized I have nothing to wear!

Tanya said...

You are one smart mom! I love your system! Not a bad idea for me to use with my 6yo, I may just get busy hanging some matching outfits together for her! I don't know how many times I have had to send her back upstairs because "striped pants and striped shrits don't go together!" :-D


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