Tuesday, January 8, 2008

2 hours twice a week

My dear sweet son will be attending the Toddler Class at our local community center.  It's geared especially for 3 year olds.  How cool is that!

12 toddlers in one room with 1 teacher and 1 helper.  God bless them!

How excited am I about this!

Learning, Crafts, Songs, Snacks and more!  Everything we do at home BUT the only difference, there will be 11 other 3 year olds to do all this fun stuff with!

I am so excited.  Is this bad?  Should I be this excited?  Should I feel guilty that I'm going to have 2 hours for 2 days for the next 8 weeks by myself?

Let me count the ways.

Needless to say when we went to sign up for the class, DJ declared that he was NOT going to school by himself.  He said, "I need you to come with me.  I don't want to go to school by myself."  Yes, he's very skilled in the 'put a huge guilt cloud over my mommy's head' department.

As soon as he sets foot in the class and sees all the other kids, he will definitely forget about this little issue he had with going by himself.  Besides, it's 2 hours.  The time will fly by!

Crossing fingers for a good first day!


Anonymous said...

I envy you... wait till he gets into school though! My last one is out the door at 8 and the first one home doesn't walk in until almost 3. Ahhh, heaven.

Jameil said...

do NOT feel guilty. good for you and enjoy your time!!

Tania said...

Of course you should be excited! it's exciting to get a couple of hours to yourself, trust me, you'll see.

Nikki Neurotic said...

Hey, you deserve a break...especially from that Christmas musicbox thingy. ;)

Believer said...

Well all right then! You’re moving ahead for the both of you.

I signed up my daughter today for two classes at the community center both on Tuesdays.

You know, we roll like that! Our kids need to get busy.


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