Thursday, January 31, 2008

Cars Underwear and a Slip up.

Have you ever arrived at the register with an item you had NO idea was on super low markdown and you better go and get the other ones because this is a deal you can't pass up?

This is what happened to me at JcPenney this weekend.

I had a 15% off coupon and decided to get a pair of warm fuzzy slippers that were on sale.  

On my way to the slipper section, I decide to make a quick STOP to the kids section.  You see where I'm going with this?

The sign read 50% off regular prices.  Ok, not bad.  Cars underwear!  Original Price $7.99 less 15% off.  In my head, I'm thinking a pack of underwear for $4 less 15% off---I went to the cash register only to have the item scan $1.99!!!!!

For a 3 pack of CARS underwear!!!  If you have kids, you know how much the going rate for a 3 pack of underwear will run you.

Well, needless to say, I asked if she could hold my purchase to the side so I can go and get MORE.

How nice was she to take 15% off EACH pack for me too!!!!!! 
She said, "let me see if the code will work for each pack" and it worked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Go me!  Go me!  3 packs of underwear FOR THE BEST DEAL EVER!!!

It wasn't until I went out to the lobby, I realized I actually went in to buy slippers for myself.

How does this happen?  I go in to buy something for MYSELF and leave with something for my kid.   Sigh.  

Question: Has this ever happened to you? You go in the store for ONE thing and come out with something totally different? Please, tell me, I'm NOT the only one that gets distracted very easily!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Yes, it's happened to me plenty of times. (My son is 6.) And in my case, it's usually a matter of forgetting something important for the house or the kitchen. Talk about being distracted by your kids!! :-)

Shelly- Mom Files said...

It happens to me all the time. I am not mad though if it is a deal you can't pass up. Anyway, when you are a parent when do you actually remember all what you are supposed to in the first place??

Anonymous said...

It happens everytime. It nevers fails when I go shopping for myself, my son always comes out with something too.

Anonymous said...

umm, TARGET does it to me EVERY TIME! go in for one thing, come out $200 later!! and you think, what did I go in there for again??

Sylvie said...

This happens to me ALL THE TIME. Especially when I am not supposed to buy Gavin anything. He always happns to get stuff, my mom took me shopping on MLK day and she said this is for you nothing for Gavin, everything was on SUPER sale at the JcPenny Outlet and what did we see as we stood in the long check out line kids gloves for 50 cents! We brought 5 pair. LOL

Shelliza said...

Same here! It so hard to turn a blind eye on something for your kid, especially if you're getting a good deal. But this year it's my goal to try and take better care of moi.

chelsea said...

"How does this happen? I go in to buy something for MYSELF and leave with something for my kid. Sigh."

I second that sigh. It happens to me all the time. Or what's worse, you only take enough money to buy what you need, only to end up putting yours back in order to get your kid something. Whoever said motherhood was easy?

elexisb said...

haha! Isn't it hilarious how much we can get excited about a great deal on underwear? I bet if you told your husband about it all excitedly, he still say, 'uh that's great, dear.' So funny!

Diva's Thoughts said... happens all the time. Cute story girl. This is what being a mommy is all about. LOL

Unknown said...

You were just so excited about the fantastic deal you got.

But the same thing happened to me last week except I WAS going in to buy a new pair of shoes for one of my boys (I wanted velco shoes because I'm too big to bend down to tie them).
So the only ones I could find were Sketchers with elastic - which you know can be expensive. But I decided to buy them anyway. took them to the register and the $40 pair of shoes rung up for $15!!! Plus I live in Oregon so no sales tax. Score!!! You can appreciate that one.

Tania said...

That is why I stay away from Tarjay! that sto' is the devil! I can't ever leave there without getting stuff that I hadn't intended to get...

Jenna Wood said...

You didn't even get your slippers!! That's sacrilege.

Actually, that happens to me sometimes, too.

Lissete said...

All the time! Especially at Target!

Anonymous said...

Aww DJ and his undies! Greg and I always end up with extras in the basket, lol. I like to sneak stuff in ;-). I'm pretty sure that once Jayden comes, we'll be forgetting about ourselves. All these great deal I'm missing out on!!!

FENICLE said...

We just were at Target this weekend and somehow all 3 of us came home with new underwear! My son choose Transformers :)

Anonymous said...

Happens to me ALL THE TIME! I never thought I'd be one of those kind of mothers. It never fails, last week I went to Lord N Taylor with the baby and my mom. I was excited to buy me a pair of shoes AND I DID after getting my bag, I went downstairs to the kids section, this is where it all went wrong - they had UGG coats for less than 40.00 So I purchased a 3/4 length shearling coat for the baby and wanted the jacket too - well my mom was like "he doesn't need it" I was like "describe need" so after she gave me the look of "this kid has too much" I ran upstairs RETURNED the shoes, ran downstairs and purchased the jacket too! They are for next winter, the total for two UGG outerwar garments:::::$51.00


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