Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Kid Fights. Oh the joy.

This incident happened at our local mall. There's a carousel that all the kids flock to ride!

Check out what happened: I'm taking photos, everything was fine. The ride is about to start when this kid comes and jumps up to ride on the pole.

DJ: You can't ride! Get down, wait your turn!
The kid hits DJ and says, stop it!

What did I do? What do you think I did?

I'll ask you. If DJ was your kid what would you have done?
If the other kid was your kid what would you have done?

My son looking at me for my response to what just happened:

Here's what happened:
Now personally I think the kid should have said, 'you're not the boss of me' now, what would have been pure comedy. I decided to stay out of it. They were BOTH at fault.

DJ had NO business trying to boss some kid and the kid had NO business hitting my son. I didn't freak out because my son is known to bust a kid or two on the head, arms, wherever.

He got a taste of his own 'medicine' poor baby. He was looking all sad! It hurt me to see him so sad but, I knew that the kid didn't kill him and it seemed to make him think twice!

Honestly sometimes, kids need to work things out. Thankfully the MOM was right there and we were both on the same page. Holding each other back. Nodding to each other, agreeing also that it looks like they worked it out. Needless to say, less than 3 minutes later our boys were new best friends.

The mom and I were able to sit down and chat while our sons ran themselves wild. All was well that day


Anonymous said...

You know what I say when kids act badly (or worse their parents), I tell B "Isn't it sad B, he/she doesn't know better" Once B was kicked in the chest at the playground while the mom watched on, I justed told her then that some kids are mean, it is sad and that we have to be extra nice to them because their lives must be so sad to be that mean.

The mom looked at me all shocked then took her kid and talked to him about being mean. Although she had no intention of doing so before I said anything :)

Happy New Year!

Lissete said...

If the parent(s) of the other kid were there and didn't do or say anythin, I would be royally ticked. I too would explain to my kid, in the sweetest tone & as loud possible (wanna make sure the other pants hear, ya know) that some kids don't have good manners and are bullies because their parents don't teach them to be polite. I would also add (for good measure) that it is not the kids fault and that they are probably learning from example. :)

Now if the parents are not around, then you know for sure that the above mentioned is the case, because who would leave a kid that age alone in a mall!

Believer said...

Turned to the aggressor (the other child) with a disappointing look, "We don't hit we give hugs." That's what I tell my daughter when she's getting rough. I want to emphasize love, especially at this age.

Then, I would look for the other mother. She's probably nowhere to be found, and then remove myself and my child to another horse...far away!

Now give up the goods, what did you say/do!

Anonymous said...

ditto on lissete's entry... very loudly apologize to my baby that sometimes in life we have to deal with people that don't have any manners, you can just know that you're better than him...

Anonymous said...

Hey Tanyetta! Happy New Year!

Lorena said...

I say in my nicest "Mommy Voice", "Oh, we musn't hit...that's not nice...let's say sorry!"

If that doesn't work, I go searching for the Mom and tattle on her son. Really, I would want to know if my children were acting like that!

Jenna Wood said...

(Disclaimer: This is not what I'd do, but what I'd want to do.) I'd throttle the kid, give him a solid spank and send him to the back of the line and give him the evil eye if he moves. Boy that'd show him.

Babs said...

Ok- I'm mad that instead of intervening you were taking pics of DJ! LOL

Miss Snarky Pants said...

Q: What did the child's mother do? [Because THAT would determine my reaction/course of action].


Nikki Neurotic said...

Happy New Year!

Sylvie said...

I would say "it is not nice to hit, where is your mommy" and let her know what happened.
Was the kid's mom watching?

Musings of a Housewife said...

O my gosh, I can't imagine! Unbelievable. Were his parents around? What did you do?

Tom_Gurl said...

lol-I'm with Jenna! That was my first thought!! The reaction is dependant on what the kids momma what happened next?



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