Monday, January 7, 2008

The tree is in the bag!

We took our tree down on Jan 2. I'm not sure what the official rules are for taking down decorations and such. We decided to do it on the 2nd.

Poor DJ. He didn't know what to make of the situation. He came back from a walk with Daddy and this is what he saw! I had NO idea that I should have included him in the removal of the tree and decorations.

Needless to say, he was NOT thrilled to see the tree in this state. He wanted to see the tree one more time!

He kept asking, "is Christmas over? is Christmas over?" I told him Christmas is on pause until December.
Hey, if I would have said, YES! I'm not sure what he would have done! You know how unpredictable toddlers are! --Hah!

The tree is in the bag! That's a WRAP!
The box of ornaments in the box wrapped in newspapers
(couldn't figure out a better way to store them)
Target bag full of 90% off Christmas Cards and a few gifts for next year!

I offered him a Popsicle and all was well again:

Question: When do you put up and take down your tree? If you don't celebrate Christmas, please tell me about your celebrations of the season. I love to hear of other customs!


Atasha said...

Bad mommy! Bad mommy! Look at that face. Just kidding.

I think we got the tree 2 weeks or so before Christmas. I regret that because the kids couldn't keep their hands off it. In my opinion we got it too early. Broken ornaments, pulled out lights and busted decorations is what I got. Oh well. I couldn't wait to get that thing out. Too much mess with the pine needles. Usually we get it the week before Christmas and get rid of it the week after but not this year.

So the day after Christmas we threw that sucker to the curb for the curbside pick-up.

Poor Christopher kept asking, "Is Santa coming back?" and "When are we going to get another tree?" Poor thing. He kept asking me everyday for about 3 or 4 days, after the tree was gone.

The funny thing is my husband questioned my knowledge of the curbside pickup because no one else had thrown out their tree. I had to tell him, "honey, no one throws out their Xmas tree the day after Christmas. Only you" hehehehe.....

Geez...I sure talk a lot. Ok I done

Believer said...
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Believer said...

New Year's Eve I took care of the outside decorations. Then, New Year's Day I took care of the inside decorations and tree.

I told my daughter Santa went home to the North Pole. Truthfully, these holidays aren't long enough for a three year old!

Anonymous said...

you 2 are funny... is he going to be an actor or what?! me... when there is a tree in my house... it does not stay there for long, I know, bad mommy. Goes up 2 weeks before Christmas... came down on the 27th.

Jameil said...

i always heard you were supposed to take it down on the 6th- ephiphany day. don't ask me what that is. you'll have to google it. lol. love the pic of him peeking under the bag @ the tree.

Afrodite said...

We don't really di the tree thing in these parts and if you've been keeping up with my blog you'd know I'm not a big fan of Christmas...sad but true.

FloDawn said...

We usually put down the deco & tree on Jan 6 - Epiphany :-) It is the day Jesus is revealed to humanity, with the three wise men from the Orient finally finding Him in the humble manger. It also sort of signify the last day of Christmas.

Lissete said...

Decorations come down when I find the time. As of today, the tree is still up but I pulled the plug on the lights, so that we don't look like the neighborhood freaks! I was too busy with Target's 90% stuff!

Anonymous said...

What a sweet heart, his face is heart melting.
We or shoudl I say my husband took our tree down yesterday. It was a bit later than usual but it was the most convenient time for us.
I just posted a blog about a tradition our family has for the holidays. It's called Ravioli Gathering, stop by.

Anonymous said...

I laughed cause my son said the same thing..."Is Christmas over?" Then he went on to "Is Santa over?" "The presents over?" "My birthday over?" Yep.....the fat lady has sung on December.

Anyway, love your blog, I'll be coming back!

Lys said...

Growing up my family was big on leaving the tree up through January 6th for Little Christmas and taking down the tree that weekend after. As this is my first year in my new place, I kept that tradition alive and the tree comes down tomorrow. The cat will be heartbroken - no more ornaments to wrestle off the branches and play hockey with.


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