Monday, March 24, 2008

20 years old isn't grown when it comes to my checkbook

I received a bill in the mail for Danyelle's recent dentist visit.

Here's how it all went down.

Dentist to Danyelle: You have great teeth. There's a small cavity that I can fill right now and it won't take long. You won't even need novocaine.

Danyelle: Ok.

So far so good right?



She is on OUR insurance and any procedures that are done should be cleared with the party (her parents)in charge of the bill.


Wrong. Not according to the dentist office manager.

I called the dentist office and here's how it went down.

Me: I'd like to discuss the bill we received (mind you I am really cool with the office staff so, I'm sure they are clutching their pearls wondering why am I going OFF like this) In my world, friendship and business never mix. Gotta keep it separate OR keep it on the up and up at all times.

Office Manager: It was a quick procedure, didn't require an additional visit and the dentist confirmed with your daughter that it was OK to fill it on the spot. (don't you love how they confirmed with her?) LOVE THIS!

Me: I have a problem with that. I would have appreciated a phone call to notify me of a bill that might result from this visit. When I come in to get treatment, you sit down with me to explain what the procedure will cost, what my insurance will and will not cover. I would appreciate the same courtesy when my daughter comes for visits.

Office Manager: Your daughter is 20. She's an adult. We didn't think it was necessary to contact her parents. (Did you love the sarcasm?) just warmed my heart.

Me: Yes. My daughter is 20. She is an adult -BUT- she's still covered under OUR insurance and the bills come in OUR name. I would like for you to make a note in her chart to CONTACT parents BEFORE any procedures that are outside of the routine exams.

Office Manager: Long pause. Then she says, no problem, I'll make a note of it.

Me: Thank you. Have a nice day.

I mean really.......of course a 20 year old would say...sure, go on ahead, do what you have to do. Fill a cavity? Sure! Get the tooth colored filling too? That costs $100 more than the usual filling? No problem. My parents will pay for it. Can I get that $300 whitening tray while I'm here too?

All I have to say is...yes, she is 20, yes, she is a very responsible young lady, NO, she would never take advantage of her parents especially in a situation like this but, let's not forget, she is 20 and let's go back to when we were 20 without kids or responsibilities (well, not me because at her age, I had a 4 year old. that's another topic for another day. let's get back on topic) yes, she is grown but, she's not that grown when it comes to my checkbook!

Ya heard me!


Anonymous said...

You had every right to go off. Her responses where totally unprofessional.

Anonymous said...

nice to know this continues well into the 20s. sigh, I have a long way to go.

Kwana said...

Ugh! Very Frustrating. I mean the bill comes to you! Does this parenting ever end? Guess not. Sigh.

Tania said...

Uh-uh! and she was trying to argue too.

Jenna Wood said...

Um. If I were you, I'd also be lecturing missy 20-year-old. And making her pay 50% of the bill.

Aly Cat 121 said...

That's actually kinda slick. Not saying that she didn't need the work but it's a slick way to get money out of a person before they have a chance to think about the actual cost. It's done so smoothly that it even gets adults. Just goes to show that just because one is in the "health care" profession don't mean they "care" about you more than they "care" about yo MONEY.

Anonymous said...

I'm pissed at them for that. Sounds like when I was 20 (like that was so long ago, lol) and went to the emergency room to get a cut looked at. I was cutting my braids and sliced my hand with the scissors....

Doctor: Ohh looks like all it needs is some dermabond. We'll be right back to fix you up.
Me: Ok.

Weeks later I get a $400 bill in the mail!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I could have gotten a $3 box of that adhesive crap from Walgreens or CVS!!!!!!!!

Afrodite said...

Hell, I'm 24 and I still feel like a child. I also have my insurance though...

Believer said...

I heard you loud and clear! They should have given you [the parent] who is paying the bills a quick call.

Wondering if Danyelle got a time out or was she grounded.


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