Tuesday, March 18, 2008

How much does he love his daddy? Let's count the ways.

Top 5 Reasons why he loves his daddy

I asked my son why he loved his daddy and here's his responses in no particular order of course.

Here goes:

This is how he started: Because, Because, <<---my son always starts his answers with at least 3 or 4 because's before he can begin his thought process.

He feeds me
He took me to that park and didn't let the dirt get me
He picked me up when my legs get broken (this is his excuse when he's tired. he always says his legs are broken and he needs daddy to pick him up. it works every time)
He let me drive his car (I have no idea what this means but, I will get to the bottom of it)
He gives me gum

To be continued..............


Quiskaeya said...

So cute. :) I just love your son.

Keelah said...

Awwww! Too cute! I wonder if I'm too big to use the broken leg bit! I'm gone try...I'm not nearly as cute as DJ, but hey! Worth a try right?

Anonymous said...

he let's me drive the car? hmm, I too, would get to the bottom of that one... daddy's... always there to make mommy look bad.

they are too cute together!

Tania said...

Hahaha! broken legs! Ava says her legs are sleeping when she's too tired to walk, cracks me up everytime..

DJ, why are you so cute?

ME said...

lol...cute broken leg thing, I can't wat till my boy starts saying cute thing...Or can I??? and the dirt thing...too funny...My son hates dirt too...

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, I am melting! What a cutie and what a great daddy... although you definitely need to get on the driving thing! That reminded me of the scene in Look Who's Talking (remember that movie?) where Mikey thinks he's driving a car, but it's really bing towed. Haha! ;)

Jane, Pinks & Blues

Unknown said...

He gives him gum and feeds! Yes I can see the need for eternal love for that!!
Too cute!!

Anonymous said...

I hope you recorded that for the first time you don't let him drive the car and he "hates" daddy. ROFL.

Shelliza said...

Too funny about the broken legs! He's too cute.

Believer said...

His legs are broken?! That's a good one.

Believe me DJ's driving the car! No need to think further on that one. Your hubby better confess!

Mamapumpkin said...

Hahaha!! Broken legs? Don't let Tee hear that one!! DJ's too cute :-)

M said...

Sooo cute!!! I got your e-mail about my blog by the way, sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you. I moved it to typepad. The link is: http://midori.typepad.com/blog

CreoleInDC said...

Whenever I'm in a foul mood pics of my boy brightens me right on up!

Eb the Celeb said...

Too cute!


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