Monday, March 31, 2008

It's the thought that counts. Write?

Yes, I know this sign is a sweet and very thoughtful idea. Notice anything interesting about it?
I know Granny's and Atasha's eyes are probably going to bleed after seeing 'it'--can you spot it?


Lara said...

"there"?? tennis shoes? Please say I win! :)

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhhhhh yeeeeeeeeeah, I see it now! Who in their right mind would kiss an elephant? That's disgisting! :)

Unknown said...

Thank you for the nudge! I will be a faithful reader with a little help from my email reminder!! :)

There and caring....ain't that a shame...

Atasha said...

HA. You're WRITE! but you MUST tell me where you saw this sign so I can march over there with the spelling police. Hehehe.....Yes it is the CARING thought that counts right THEIR. :)

Granny said...

Their, they're, there.

Your (oops - you're) correct. It jumped out of the page. Its (oops - it's) obvious.

Thanks for righting.

Jameil said...

i was w/the shoes, too but first i got stuck on the elephants. you should see my face.

Unknown said...

I saw it but then when I clicked on commments I saw serious spoilers!

That is one of my biggest English language pet peeves.

Shelly- Mom Files said...

kissing elephants?? LOL!!!

Believer said...

Got it! Paint "their" tennis shoes.


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