Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Say cheese. Please. No dice? Rats!

When will my children understand that I love taking photos of them. The fact that I grab the camera every single day doesn't mean I'm crazy or obsessive. Does it?

Well, I guess today they decided they were NOT in the mood. Thus the results of these photos were produced.

Please say cheese!

Say Cheese:

Come on now, you're the big sister, be an example for your brother give me a smile. Please?

I tried to be clever and sneak a photo of him at the traffic light. Hoping to get a smile. Nothing! He's taking this smile strike seriously.

Then I came up with a plan.
You wanna go to the mall and throw pennies in the wishing well?



Lara said...


Unknown said...

He's so gosh darn cute!!!

(this is the family page, right? ;) )

Isaida said...

How cute!

Anonymous said...

too cute. he has the best "I always get what I want" smile.


Shelliza said...

VERY cute!

Anonymous said...

Cutie Pies!

Jameil said...

hahahahaha & lmao @ danyelle in that pic! hilarity.

Tania said...

Heehee, got him didn't ya! still the cutest!

Unknown said...

What cute pictures (even without the smile)! That last picture, with the super cheesy smile is cute too!

Jenna Wood said...

First I have to say I LOVE the sunglasses. I actually have some that are similar.

When we get together someday we will have to wear our pink sunglasses and take a picture.

Assuming neither of us breaks or looses said glasses in the interim.

Second, I love the "say cheese" and no smiles. We took my kids 2 hours out of town to meet my grandparents. Annika didn't remember them and would actually say, "cheese" but frowned in almost every picture. It was hilarious.

It totally didn't deter my Grandma from snapping tons of pics. She was just in love with Annika.

Sheena @ Mommy Daddy Blog said...

Aww the chirens didn't wanna smile for mama today! You got DJ but what could you say to Danyelle to get her to smile?

Anonymous said...

lol.. too cute

Kathie said...

What a bright and wonderful smile.
Blessings from Costa Rica

Shelly- Mom Files said...

wow, I am looking at that last photo and DJ is really starting to look older. :(

Negro D said...

hahah. aww that was a cute post!


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